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Angel's Star Trek: Voyager Fan Page

Stuff I Offer

My Name is Angel and this is my Personal Home Page. Sounds A little redundant Since you're here but I'll go on anyway.

I'm a big Fan of the Star Trek: Voyager. and with all of the people Who like the series are Familiar with Captain Katherine Janeway's Bun Explosions. For those of you not aware of this phenomenon its when Voyager hits a little inertial anomaly in space and the mysterious power holding her hair together gives out and poof her hair is everywhere. Since this was reported the Dampers where realigned and it happens much less.

And now a little about me...I'm Puerto Rican, 21 years old as of March. I love Star Trek Voyager as you read...I'm kind of like a PartyGuy some times but Hang out at home most of the time. I love my computer and Have a digital Camera. So I will display a few Pictues from time to time of places I visit and friends of mine.

Star Trek Voyager Wav Files!!! Right Here

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