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self inflicted


......WeLcOmE tO mY pAgE......tO eNtEr cLiCk oN oNe oF ThE PiCs......

no frames frames

NO FRAMES................................... .........................................FRAMES

This site was created and is/was occasionally maintained (somewhat) by inflicted/nepenthe. Any comments, put downs, questions, hate mail, death threats ect. on or related to the website may be directed to:

uhm...entire contents & copy; self inflicted, The Prodigy, XL Recordings, Maverick, or by original artist/author. Nothing obtained from this web site may be reproduced in any manner, either in part or in whole, without specific permission of the publisher, author, or artist. All rights reserved. Copyright © by self inflicted 1997-1999, The Prodigy, XL Recordings, Maverick, or original artist/artist. bleh..if i forgot someone/something i give credit where credit is due..sorry too much crack...

Blue Ribbon 