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Sink or Swim

...Cuz it's either sink or swim, and the average drown.

Okay, so everything I review on here swims because I'm just sharing with you some CD's, books, or movies that I'm currently really enjoying. And so I'm encouraging you to check them all out! And of course, these are all in my humble opinion...

CROCODILE DUNDEE 2 - Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, Charles S. Dutton

1988 Paramount Home Entertainment

I haven't seen ANY new movies in a really long time, so I have decided to once again revert to an older movie. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been so in love with Mick J "Crocodile" Dundee. Okay, so maybe I'm not in "love" with him anymore, but the movies still bring back a tonne of great memories. I'm also a big fan of the first one, but the third installment in this series is a disgrace and shame to the legacy that is Crocodile Dundee.
Aussie croc wrangler Mick Dundee (Paul Hogan) is starting to adjust to his crazy new surroundings in New York City with his beautiful new "sheila" Sue Charlton (Linda Kozlowski) when they accidentally get on the bad side of a ruthless drug lord. Their trouble starts when Sue's old flame Bob (Dennis Boutsikaris) is murdered in Colombia for taking pictures of an assassination by drug smugglers. Having sent the photos to Sue, she and Mick are suddenly and inadvertently mixed up in his unfinished business, as the DEA and drug cartel henchman come looking for the film. The urban terrain of New York, however, is no place for the outdoorsy "Croc" and his posse to hide out. So they hightail to for the Australian outback--a place infinitely more familiar to Mick--and even the odds by leading the big city hoods into a rugged landscape where they get a fast, funny and deadly lesson in wilderness survival. Much more an adventure thriller than the "stranger in a strange land" comedy of the first, Mick is still quick with the drawling one-liners, and the obvious warmth between real-life partners Hogan and Kozlowski adds to the fun. (Summary courtesy of Future Shop)

(out of five)

Click here to buy "Crocodile Dundee 2" on DVD

U2 - "The Best of 1990-2000"

A couple of years ago we saw U2 release a "Best of 1980-1990" compilation, and here's the second part of that. I'm definitely a lifetime U2 fan, and I know that they are definitely one of my favorite groups out there, if not my absolute favorite. But then again, picking favorites is just too hard sometimes. However, despite the fan that I am, I've decided not to purchase this CD because I have pretty much all of the tracks on all my various U2 discs.
The decade of the 1990's was an era of transition for the legendary quartet from Dublin known to the world as U2. An earlier (and more serious) body of work gave way to albums such as POP and ZOOROPA, which radiated the band's positivity and energy in a more lighthearted fashion. THE BEST OF 1990-2000 culls the benchmark tracks from the band's studio albums ("One," "The First Time," "Beautiful Day"), as well as key movie soundtrack cuts ("Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me," "Miss Sarajevo").
While some diehards cooled their passion for the band in the height of their glitz and glamour, experiencing "Stay (Faraway, So Close)" shows the band stripped down to perfection in their most basic and graceful state. THE BEST OF goes even further, luring collectors with new tracks ("Electrical Storm," "The Hands That Built America") as well as new mixes of "Numb" and "Discotheque." (Summary courtesy of Future Shop)

1/2(out of five)

Click here to buy U2's "Best of 1990-2000" Collection

THE LEGEND OF THE CANDY CANE - Lori Walburg Vandenbosch

I know I usually have books posted up here that are great for adults/youth, but this book is classic, and in tune with the approaching season. There's too much "political correctness" going around these days over the subject of Christmas, and it's all really very sad. This book helps children recapture the spirit of what Christmas is about, in relation to who Jesus was, is, and what He did for us.
Back Cover Summary:
One dark November night a stranger rides into a small prairie town. Who is he? Why has he come? The townspeople wish he were a doctor, a dressmaker, or a trader. But the children have the greatest wish of all, a deep, quiet, secret wish. Then a young girl named Lucy befriends the newcomer. When he reveals his identity and shares with her the legend of the candy cane, she discovers fulfillment of her wishes and the answer to her town's dreams. Now will she share what she has learned?

(out of five)

Click here to buy Lori Walburg Vandenbosch's "The Legend of the Candy Cane"
