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I'm back


What Dave Matthews Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hello again, my friends. It is I, Anna Fitzgerald. I just realized that I've actually been back from maryland for something like. . . eight months and I haven't updated my profile. . . hmmmmmm

I'm tired, I'm broke, and I have no car insurance. . . oh and people keep dying. . . and I got a tattoo. . . I own a house. . . yeah but nothing terribly remarkable has happened yet.

I used to try to make myself believe that I don't care what people think about me and it became my greatest weakness. Then I started to care and that was even worse. Now if anybody has a problem with me I let it go for awhile and then I snap and people get hurt. I'm so fucking tired of all you idiots thinking that you can make me your god damn scape goat. I'm not, nor will I ever be, your bitch.

I don't like to party anymore. its not me. I like to sit in a corner and drink coffee.

I am no longer a fanscape rep, go to hell.

Oh and one more thing, these are not my pants. . .

Enjoy your life until some little bitch tries to come and take it away or mould you into something or someone your not, then take out your uzi and kill the bitch. *smile* I'm really a generally happy person. . .honest.

Links to other places

My web journal
