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...the land of talmoria...
oooo, linkie things

meat whistle


my winamp skins


important lessons learned about life


to the emptiness...
that is my world thus far...
but soon...
there will be stuff here...
i'm redesigning the look of the page at the moment, and it'll be more accessable and have some interesting things here soon! i swear!

until then...

so yeah. i have every intention of updating this soon. the skins section, at the very least, as i have one that's been sitting around unposted, for a while now, and one that i just finished. i really really will. and i've been thinking about figuring out something to do with this layout. i just need to figure out how/what. hum hum hum. but really. things should be changing... soon... (message posted april 14, 2003)

from the old page, we've still got this stuff kicking around:

the formerly new section for one of my bands, Meat Whistle... all the info's here, well, most of it is... from our origins to a bit of stuff about us and some pictures, this has been slowly growing... it halted for a while due to a period of defunct-ness we had, but we're kinda back together now... so... yeah. take a look-see. (section last updated decmber 4, 2002)
not yet occuring here is a page for my other band, peculiar display. that one i haven't started yet, but some info can be found over at Our "Official" Page at geocities. have fun. (message posted september 12, 2002)

...the beginnings of an art gallery ...which is currently down. yeah. fixin' things on it and working with it, resorting and adding pages. oh yes what fun! upgrading more of them to "advanced" rather than "basic" so i can do ALL my own html. yes yes. fun. (section last tinkered with january 14, 2003)

My Winamp Skins there's a whopping total of five there now! ooo!... so... go take a look! one's not posted on winamp, it's going to remain exclusive to my site, so it's special and stuff... go lookie! i just fixed a glitch in it too... he he he... more to come very soon! (well, one new skin, but you know, you could humour me here) (section last updated march 29, 2002)

'nother new section, soon to be up is one filled with rambles and streams of conciousness i've written. this section's now up, but there's seven so far!!!! there'll be more soon when i've found them. i've got to get them all tricked out in html 'n' stuff. (section updated september 13, 2002)

Oooo! Oooo! Look! an slightly less newer section!!! Imporant Lessons Learned About Life ... take a look, these are important lessons! Yes indeed! done a few things with it recently, like taken out the annoying background and such. wooo.(section last tinkered with january 2, 2003)

some info about me that includes a crazy, much more recent picture of me... ^_^ huzzah! i just rewrote it all too, so it's nice and fresh and crispy. oh yeah. oh yeah. (page last updated 12/29/02)

so anyway... other stuffs.

woo! yeah, so my counter is now up over 1000 again... thanks to everyone who's helped it to get there ^_^ you're all wonderful. yay.

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