What if Your Friend Told You That They are Homosexual?

This is a situation that has happened to me recently, a good friend of mine told me that she was bisexual. I reacted with an "as if" kind of attitude, I would have never thought that she was. There are too many stereotypes of gay/bi/les people, they do not all act the same way. After I believed her, I felt uncomfortable around her at the start, I thought to myself, "is she checking me out?" "does she like me in that way?". After a while, I didn't feel quite as uncomfortable around her anymore. I realized that I could control my own emotions and that I was definitely not that way, so even if she did feel that way about me I would just have to forget it. I wasn't going to go out with her in that way at all, so if she did like me in that way, nothing would come of it anyway. Now, I am still good friends with her because I would never want to lose her as a friend. I don't think about her being bisexual as much when she's around me as I used to, I occasionally feel uncomfortable around her still, but in general I understand and it doesn't bother me. So what advice do I have for people who are gay and are thinking about telling them that they're gay? If you trust them enough, tell them. If a friend tells you that they are gay/bi/les? You may feel the same way I did at the start, but then realize that it is not that big of a deal and forget about it! It is not that important, you are friends and that's all that matters. Would you want to lose a friend over them telling you that they are gay? I don't think so! Also, if they trust you enough to tell you that, then you must be very good friends. A good friend is not something that you want to lose! by Nicole

Email: cisco1@telenet.net