Is my girlfriend ready to have sex?

(Age 16) I have a 13 year old girlfriend, and our relationship has gotten to a point where sex is almost not avoidable. Is it too early for her? Would sex at her age affect her life in a negative way? I really love her, and don't want to hurt her. ADVISOR REPLIES:I think 13 is really far too young to have sex. It could affect her life in a negative way. Besides you could end up in jail for having sex with a minor. My advice is don't ! It's better for both of you. Bye for now- Wim Glad that you asked and all I can say is sex at such a young age (she's only 16!) may be traumatising for her. What does a 13-year old know? She is not ready at all and you may even risk her getting pregnant. Besides, you may be charged for having sex with a minor(she's below 16) if your country has such a law. Never rush into sex. There is no such thing as relationships reavhing a point until sex is unavoidable. That only happens when you are married. If you want to keep your relationship intact, I strongly suggest that you do not make any rash decisions out of love. Think about it. She's only 13 and even if she says she's okay with it, do not even think of having sex with her. You do not want ot ruin her teenage life by one silly mistake. -Angel First of all, you are BOTH way too young to have sex. You said you don't want to hurt her but chances are you would hurt her both physically and mentally by having sex. Being that she is only 13 means that she probably isn't fully developed and the aspects of sex can be very painful...and I mean VERY PAINFUL!!! After having sex, you both will probably feel regretful. What if you impregnate her? There are many other awesome activities to do with your girlfriend other than having sex. My advice...wait until later! I hope you make the right decision. Modern Teen Advisor,- Em
