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Lustful Desires

Chapter 6: Unexpected Kiss

The thin line of friendship and boyfriend has been dismissed.
A new ruling came to order, the law of the unexpected kiss.
This can sometimes be the surprise that most of us long for.
That spontaneous treat that will never seem to be a bore.
Then there are those times when there’s a feeling of uncertainty.
The awkwardness that lingers and makes us regret being flirty.
It happens. Events and emotions that seem to be beyond our control.
But I guess we wouldn’t be living our lives if we always did what you are told.
Don’t get me wrong; the feeling of someone’s warm lips is always nice.
And the scenarios that happen in this story occurred not only once, but thrice.
There was the one time a girl and her guy friend were on the dance floor.
Nothing out of the ordinary here for them, they have done this before.
And then there’s the one move that has your bodies talking to each other.
And within that impulsive second, before you know it, their lips are locked together.
Was this meant to be? Is this their destiny? Is it fate?
Who knows what this is, this will definitely be a long lasting debate.
We now turn to the couple that worked together throughout the week.
It happens all the time, the office romances that are always bleak.
One minute these two are making sure they get the job done.
And in the next minute, during their lunch break, they sneak a kiss just for fun.
One week it was always unexpected kisses in dark corners where you could not be seen.
And in the next week, it fizzled to pointless phone calls, what did this mean?
What was that fling? Was it loneliness? Was it his handsome face?
Who cares now, this part of the story is over and that is the case.
Now over here we have two people, one in despair.
The other with too many problems but enough room to care.
You can tell that these two were going through something, they were very close.
There was always an ear, an arm or a shoulder for whomever needed it the most.
To find out their hearts were growing for each other since the beginning during dark times was priceless.
And in the kiss that followed after that was so gentle, sweet, passionate and full of kindness.
Was there room in the heart for another? Were they supposed to get that close and embrace in their darkest hour?
Or was this a trick of Cupid’s bow and arrow? Who can explain why the friendship is now turning sour?
All of these lives were altered forever based upon the unexpected kiss.
These were chances that these unions could have either been a hit or miss.
Whatever boundary of friend and boyfriend there was, the line is no more.
For the law of the unexpected kiss shows no boundaries, only what lies in the heart’s core.
1/16/03 - 1/28/04
©2004. All Rights Reserved.

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