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To You

To the people bound to disabilities for life, you are the strength in my legs.

To the children who are ill and in despair, you are the wind in my hair.

To every healthy and sickly man, you bring out the warrior in me.

To every healthy and sickly woman, you've shown me courage, grace and beauty.

To the elderly, you are the reason why I embrace the past and present.

To the youngsters, you are why I look into into the present and future.

To the strong and weak, you are the unison in my body.

To my Native American roots, you are my vision and smile on my face.

To my Latin background, you are my skin and rythym of my every move.

To every race, you've shown me greatness in your culture.

To every living and non-living creature, you make the world a brighter place.

To the people in my hometown, you are my inspiration.

To my family, you are part of the trail I leave behind for remeberance.

To my ancestors, you are the essence of my soul.

To the world that watches us, you've shown and given me what's left of peace and unity.

All of these detailed characteristics makes us whole as a person. This makes us solid as a species and one with the earth. This brings us together to create the burning fire of pride. So when I hold and light my fire, it is for you. And when I wrote this poem, it is dedicated..............."To You".

~FIREBIRD 05/09/01

FireBird's Poetry Garden