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Lustful Desires

Chapter 8: The Search

I’m scanning the city, seeing every face and meeting every eye.
But no one seems to bite my bait; no matter how hard I try.
For me, I find it hard to meet people based on the mating availability.
For everyone seems to be taken and I start to question my capability.
I am hunting through personal ads of faceless faces for I am pleased to see the list grow.
But sometimes what I read discourages me and makes me want to try a TV reality romance show.

I date the few people that seem to be worth meeting.
And after the date, some people I just want to give them a beating.
Why is it so hard to search for someone so right?
Is it too much to ask for a companion at night?
I really cannot stand this part of my life, it’s too lonesome, it’s too hard.
I guess I really am going to have to seek my mate a lot further than my backyard.

But where do I start and how far should I go?
Do I go west, further east, seek down south or climb the North Pole?
I feel so deprived and punished for there seems to be no love.
Destiny’s game is so cruel and the cupids are laughing up above.
And from their games, I taste nothing but bitterness, a sourness that questions my worth.
For it is back to the never-ending drawing board of loneliness for I continue my search.

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