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My beloved cat, how much you will be missed.
Wish I could have given you one last good-bye kiss.
So sad I was to hear that your time had come.
No more welcome back greetings, there's emptiness in my home.
In order to find your comfort I now look to the stars.
I see you shining beside my grandmother's star, and yet I wish you wasn't so far.
I will miss the days of giving my white little fur ball a hug.
Even though I was still mad at you for peeing on my rug.
No more sheep like meows; No more clingy white hairs.
No more snooty attitudes from you; No more pictures of you with care.
I will miss my sidekick curling up at night beside my belly.
However, I will not miss cleaning up after your liter which was smelly.
I'm going to miss recieving dirty looks from you and you scratching up my hands.
And yet you played with everything from bugs to yarn to stupid rubber bands.
I remember all the baths we had to give you and those damn fleas.
And you, the former "flea bag" was desperately meowing your pleas.
I remember watching you grow from small to plump, from young to old.
And seeing you scare the racoon tribes, you were so bold.
You loved running into the neighbors house who also had cats.
And I never figured out why you intruded on their kitty mats.
You disliked the presence of other animals even though you suffered from lonliness.
And every time we bought a companion for you, even just to babysit, you showed true bitterness.
Sometimes you were so rotten even to our human guests.
But nonetheless, I forgave you and your mental distress. Actually, you wanted me and my mom to yourself, you were set in your ways.
Ah, the memories of you were blissful, those were the days.
We grew up together from childhood to adulthood.
You were a huge part of me and everyone understood.
I was glad to hear that you felt my mom pet you one last time.
As your heart gave out and you breathed your last breath, you were not alone when you died.
You were in her arms as your eyes closed for everlasting sleep.
We hope that you had a good life with us; we hope that you are now in peace.
Seventeen years of fights, annoyance, loyalty and devotion.
And yet I knew your fate was soon, but I still cry over this notion.
In honor of your rememberance, this poem is for you and for those who wish to remember you for you were dear to us all.
So after seventeen years, I reluctantly, but knowingly say good-bye to you, until we meet in heaven, good-bye and be in peace my darling Snowball.
~*~Dedicated to the best cat an owner could ever have.~*~
                                                        FB 12/01/02

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