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My Lonely Soul

Somewhere in this black cloud I am alone and in pain.
After all these years in sorrow, still nothing has been gained.
No one has seen me and by this time I may never be found.
I am lost! I am lost! I am somewhere buried beneath the ground.
And all this time no one has even thought of digging to reach my core.
No one hasn’t even begun to come and relieve my wounds that are sore.
Is my soul too much for you? Too Valuable? Has this world had enough?
Or is the thought of companionship for life dead? Is this world that tough?
Commitments are over here and happiness is over there. That is all I ever see.
And even during my blinding days, I could feel that no one ever notices me.
It’s as if my soul has been toyed with; as if I am nothing but an unchallenging game.
And if I was to smile or to actually be happy, why would that be considered lame?
Is it worth seeing me in the dark, drowning my pillow in a river of salty tears?
Is it to much to ask for a compassionate soul to be with me and fight off our fears?
If these questions could not be answered in a positive light then I know I am doomed.
For my black cloud will always linger, flowing the river of sadness that will forever keep me blue.
All I ask is for a life long companion for my untamed heart and for my lonely soul.
So that all the shattered pieces of my life can finally be put together as a whole.

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