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Tis the season it's that time of year again.
The time I sell my "Ba-Humbug" campaign.
You must think why I can't stand this holiday.
A holiday when I usually feel sad and dismay.
The woes of shopping for the people you love.
The meaning of Christmas does not shine above.
The bumping with crowds, always rushing with the lack of money I always seem to have.
All of the damaged tossed clothing and beat up toys so expensive, I cry, "Enough! I've been had."
All of this chaos does not seem to be worth this holiday.
Instead I am beat up and tired and full of dismay.
I hear Christmas songs that are always full of cheer.
But I can't stand those songs, they hurt my ears.
There are more somber holiday songs that I can relate to.
The ones that sing out the sounds of my holiday blues.
The exceeding amounts of food and candy galore.
The weight gain and tummy ahces makes me say "No More!"
Someone told me, "Holidays are more fun when you have a loved one."
"It's just as much fun with either your daughter or son."
Alas I told the man, "I guess not for me for I have none."
So much for holiday fun now someone please give me a gun.
Again, I am alone for the holiday season with no reason to wake up in the morning.
Therefore, come Christmas day, do not wake me even if it's a warning.
So there, you see alas I have said my reasons.
So many years of all the above for disliking this season.
And to the skeptics out there, A grinch I am not.
Webpages and window displays is all I've got.
Although they are not enough, at least I don't steal Christmas.
I think I am nice about it and I say "Merry Christmas".
So with all of these deep feelings, you know why I don't like this day.
So with nothing more to say, "Merry Christmas" for I am filled with Holiday Dismay.


December 2001

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In the year 2001, things were ok but not too great economy wise for much of the world. Then tragedy struck on Spetember 11th, 2001. It seemed like the end of the world and Americans felt adveristy and worst of all defeat. But we still march on. We raised our flags and have declared war on those that terrorize Americans and our allies. We defend ourselves and we take with us our friends around the world. Many countries feel this threat as an everyday situation and finally have some light of finally fighting to put a stop to this horror. Although we've had one day of attacks as supposed to years of their attacks, but the catastrophic death toll of one day equaled their years. Most of the world mourned with us as our enemies celebrated in the streets. Our soldiers now take with them a nation that is behind them. And together, the world re-unites in yet another war in the making. So this holiday season, to the families and friends that lost loved ones in our attacks, to familes and friends that lost men over seas, to familes and friends that have loved ones still over seas......Americans and our allies embrace you. This holiday season is grim, I feel it too. But all we can do is hope that this comes to an end soon with some closure of those gone, but not forgotten and our loved ones home and safe again. God bless us everyone and Happy Holidays to all. (And if Unhappy Holidays, let it be peaceful at least.)

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