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Lustful Desires

Chapter 5: The Heart

Why would you ever give me back my own offer?
I thought my offerings was one you could not refuse.
Why are you giving me back my own heart?
I thought you cared enough to heal it from its pain.
Have you seen what you have done with my heart?
Have you looked at it? Look At It!
Look and tell me that you actually expect me to take it back.
Can't you see the punctured wounds you made into my heart?
There are more wounds there than what Ceasar had on his back.
The color is no longer the passion red it once had.
It is as black as the hole you have thrown me into.
It once had a river of faith and trust bestowed upon you.
And now the oasis is gone and everything is dried up.
You've Killed My Heart!
Do you not show remorse for the deed you have done?
Do you not see that it is no longer alive?
I am the image of what once was.
I am the ghost that reminds you of this deed.
Was I not worth the thought of ressurection?
Or if I was to be buried, was I not worth a tear drop?
I question if I am worth anything at all.
For this is not the first I have have lost my heart like this.
But not this badly.
Will I ever be a happy woman in a white dress with a ring?
Am I worth any satisfaction at all in my life?
I guess to you I was not worthy.
But my heart didn't deserve the treatment you gave it.
The visions of our future are now questions that will remain in your life.
What we once had, if anything, are now saddened to bitter sweet memories.
And even if I was to be ressurected, I may not even come back to our starting line.
Now I will once again take my leave.
And you will be left with something that was once prosperous.
Whatever it is you do with my dead heart, the choice is yours.
Be warned that it is a curse that will forever remain with you.
For the heart was a terrible thing to kill.

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