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Lustful Desires

Chapter 9: Games

Used, worn and broken up like a piece of a game that used to be for fun.
To know I was cheated, manipulated and defeated was like a horrible shot from a gun.
How could I have let this happen? How did I not see the signals before?
The clues were right in front of me. The warnings and signs should have been heeded more.
There was the lack of information you gave me about yourself.
The line, “I lead a boring life” should have told my mind something else.
Everyone has a story, there’s only so much one can hide.
Stop acting like someone you’re not, you’re not a professional spy.
Then, the bit of family history that was mentioned should have sent a red flag saying “Nay”!
But like father, like son – tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb, both deceitful to women in everyway.
And as for the stupid love note I found, was that an intentional plot for me to see?
And then the lame excuse that followed about appreciation you needed.
How do you appreciate someone who shows no value for their partner. That’s cruel!
Now I see how much I failed this game. I was such a fool.
The fact that my opponent couldn’t keep a partner for more than a few weeks should have been a sign.
The fact that you were with one girl on one day, with me at night, it never crossed my mind.
The passionless one night we had, and I now regret, should have been my biggest clue.
And now you ignore my calls and messages, you were just too good to be true.
Like a gentlemen, you took me out and you cooked for me one night.
I tried to learn about you and appreciate you with all of my might.
But I fell for it, it was part of your game, it was never anything more.
And now you have left me with a new marking that has made me sore.
Never again ask me about my love stories and why I hate Valentine’s Day so much.
Because if you ask, you will get hurt, bloodied up and knocked out and such.
Don’t even think about lecturing me on our different upbringing.
All of that would be bullshit and not of moral thinking.
You can play your game all you want. This is a game I do not like or play.
Too bad you didn’t want to know or respect me enough to understand my ways.
The day you played me will be the day you will regret for life. The day you dishonored my name.
For it is not my fault that your retail value is worth less than a K-mart monopoly game.

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