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Little is known about the
American Indians,
Or what links their human soul
with the earth.
The indians believe that this land
was created for
them by the Great Spirit
and that it would be
theirs FOREVER.
The New World,
this is what the white man
called our land.
When it was not new at all.
The RedMan
the inhabitants of america for centuries.
The indian has been out there on
the ghetto of the reservation
for a long time.
We have existed without adequate
food, clothing, shelter, or
medicine to name but a few.
In there place we have been given
malnutrition, poverty, disease,
suicide, and bureaucratic promises
of a better tomorrow.
Your America has not be the land of
your proclaimed equality and
justice for all.
May Your God Forgive You!

The treatment of our people has been a
national tragedy and disgrace.
The time has come to put an end to
that disgrace.
Alcatraz, Fort lotten
whatever necessary
We must manage our own affairs
control our own lives
And through it all remain to be the

~This poem was written by Tom Bee of the Lakota Tribe. He had a band in the late '70's called XIT. His music was based on Native Issues. I would have not known about this if it wasn't for my good Friend Chris Kaye, who sent me this wonderful poem on Native American hopes and living. Thanks Chris!!:-)

The Lone Bird Woman
The Storm
FireBird's Poetry Garden
