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Once again I am in a dark tunnel, my friends are no where for I am abandoned.
The ones that can help don't offer a hand, those who want to are handicapped. I feel abandoned.
No choices were left for me, everything I had, I had to abandon it.
An oppurtunity was given to me, but because of a relative having a fit, I had to abandon that too.
The rain of tears pour harder for the thought of assistance has been abandoned.
There is no God or angel for good faith, belief and miracle have abandoned me.
I have no family, they are ashamed of me, their hearts have abandoned me.
I have no lover and I have never been loved, cupid has abandoned me.
The essentials of life: a home, money, a job, all have abandoned me without warning.
The city I live in, all walk by and never see me, knowledge of my existance have abandoned me.
Maybe it is I that should do the vanishing and abandonment.
I have a right to be mad, I have a right to feel sad, I have a right to feel abandoned.
But no one cares so I have abandoned belief in people.
No soul, spirit or God cares, therefore, I had to abandon my faith.
Why live? Why fight to survive? My soul and strength has abandoned me.
My heart is broken and the will to love or thoughts of being loved has abandoned me.
The future of success, freinds, love, kids and money, those thoughts have now been abandoned.
I see death and die I shall. I am gone. For all life and hope has been abandoned.

FB 1/17/04