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Sleepless nights with endless thoughts,
about fantasies and families and all other sorts.

My mind, somehow, does not give me a break,
so night after night 'til dawn I am wide awake.

Oh, my dearest stars that shine so bright,
where, oh where, is the sandman tonight?

Why hasn't he ended this restless phobia?
why must I deal with a bad case of insomnia?

A glass of warm milk will not keep me content,
neither will counting a herd of sheep over a fence.

I lie awake as half the world sleeps through the night,
like a nocturnal animal I am asleep through daylight.

Even when I am on the net at night I become drowsy,
but when I get off the net I no longer feel lousy.

At last I am in bed as my mom starts to complain,
she scoldingly says, "Stop going to sleep at 3AM!"

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