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Bubblegum Crisis: Quotes


Awhile back, while I was 'surfing the 'Net', I came across a page called Sylia Stingray's Page of Bubblegum Stuff. A wonderful page filled with images, information, and sugar plum fairies that dance light as the air... Anyway, one of the sections in the page is called Bubblegum Quotes and is dedicated to some of the more interesting or important quotes from the series. That page encompassed quite a few of the intriguing aspects of the series. But as soon as I saw it, an idea began to form...

Then, about a week ago, I came across a list of the top ten quotes that certain Ranma 1/2 characters would never say, and I chose to put my plan into action and have created... Bubblegum Crisis: Last Words. These are things that the characters never said, but I was just dying to hear pop out of their mouths. I saved my personal favorite for the last one. I wrote all of these up myself, but if you have something to add, let me know.

Bubblegum Crisis: Last Words

"Hey, maybe GENOM isn't so bad after all."--Sylia Stingray

"Feelings... nothing more than feelings..."--Priss Asagiri

"I feel your pain."--Largo

"Men... who needs 'em?"--Linna Yamazaki

"Don't worry, Priss! I'll save you!"--Nene Romanova

"Damn it, Nene! You screwed up again!"--Sylia Stingray

"Yo, Sylia, howzabout we talk this over like grown adults?"--Brian J. Mason

"Screw revenge, who wants pizza?"--Sylia Stingray

"It's not the money that drives me, it's the joy of helping others."--Linna Yamazaki

"I feel all warm and fuzzy inside."--Chairman Quincy

"Whoa, Nene, slow down; you're gonna get your face ripped off going that fast!"--Priss Asagiri to Nene, riding their respective 'bikes'

"Lookin' good, Nene!"--Priss Asagiri

"No, actually, you're incorrect, Sylia. Now THIS is how it should be done."--Nene Romanova to Sylia Stingray

"Wow, I am, like, wowed at your physical prowess, Nene."--Linna Yamazaki

"You ain't nothin', punk!"--Sylia Stingray to Mason/Largo

"It's times like this that make me want to listen to a little Sinatra."--Priss Asagiri

"Take me to your leader."--Largo to Kate Madigan

"Oh, okay, Mackie, but just this once."--Sylia Stingray to Mackie

"I am INVINCIBLE!!!"--Nene Romanova

"Uh-oh, my bad."--Priss Asagiri

"Owie!"--Sylia Stingray

"Little does he know, I have ulterior motives TOO."--Sylia, in reference to Mason

"Let's not start a fight over something so trivial."--Priss Asagiri

"A new Boomer? Cool."--Sylia Stingray

"Girls are such a waste of my time."--Mackie Stingray

"Oh darn... I screwed up."--Sylia Stingray

"Power perceived is power achieved... until you get some nifty toys to make it all go a little smoother."--Chairman Quincy

"Welcome to GENOM."--Kate Madigan

"Oops, I think I hit something."--J.B. Gibson

"Can't we all just get along?"--Mason/Largo

"Ah, hell, not again."--Priss, upon the death of a friend/loved one

"How does a nice, quite stroll down mainstreet sound, Sylia?"--Largo

"This is all my fault. And I was just trying to have a little fun."--Priss Asagiri

"I hate to be a party-pooper, but I really have to you-know."--Priss Asagiri to a Boomer during combat

"Oh well, there are plenty of fish in the sea."--Irene Chang

"I find your strength astounding."--Largo

"Yes, I'm a Boomer. What of it?"--Sylia Stingray

"I'd like you to be honest with me..."--Anyone to Sylia Stingray

"Yes, Leon, I WILL be your Valentine."--Priss Asagiri to Leon McNichol

"Priss, can you give me a hand with this computer program?"--Nene Romanova

"This softsuit just rides right up my ass when I do these friggin' flips."--Linna Yamazaki

"Retro-sounds? What sort of freak listens to retro-sounds in this day and age?"--Priss and the Replicants to interviewer

"Geez, Leon, you were sure a disappointment."--Daley Wong simultaneously winning and losing his bid to get Leon into bed

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't care what you want?"--Sylia Stingray to Priss Asagiri

"Save yourselves!"--Cynthia

"Actually, we're two mice approximately halfway through an intricately laid out plan to take over the world."--Quincy and Mason/Largo (ever read Pink Eyes..?)

"Methinks I shouldn't have acted so hastily..."--Priss Asagiri

"Damn it, Priss! This time I'm taking the cost right out of your pay!"--Sylia Stingray, upon Priss destroying yet one more Motoroid/Hardsuit/whatever

"You go, girl!"--Priss Asagiri to Nene

"Let's get ready to rumble!"--F.G. Frederick

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all..."--Sylia Stingray in any given situation

"I think I sprained something."--Linna Yamazaki

"Priss, you are the wind beneath my wings."--Nene Romanova

"Oh, he's all right, but I'm looking for one with a little more personality."--Linna Yamazaki

"So... ever consider breast reduction surgery?"--Priss Asagiri to Sylvie

"Damn it, Priss, why won't you just DIE like you're supposed to?!!"--Sylia Stingray (or Largo or Vision, for that matter) to Priss Asagiri

"Hey, Sylia, let's not rush in all unprepared like last time, okay?"--Priss Asagiri

"God, Priss, that sucked."--Linna Yamazaki, after watching Priss in concert

"Knight Sabers... RETREAT!!!"--Sylia Stingray

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