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Luxurious Lynne likes to wander around the locker rooms with her camera, taking pictures of unsuspecting victims. This time, we take a break from the locker room to bring you behind the scenes at Luxurious Lynne's Birthday Party!

(The following captions were written by Lynne herself):

At my Birthday Party, Joe Rules tried to throw me into my first birthday cake. (Don't worry, he did not succeed.)

So when the second cake arrived, hand made by my cousin Kristi, especially designed for me :)

He tried again! But with a little help from Taylor Nicole, his plans where quickly changed!

And just to show this really happened and this is not a posed photo, my dear friend Sarah got all the action on film!

And after Joe got all cleaned up, he pilled all the cake up and had a snack :)

Until next time....

view archive:

Luxurious Locker Room Stories V
Luxurious Locker Room Stories IV
Luxurious Locker Room Stories III
Luxurious Locker Room Stories II
Luxurious Locker Room Stories I

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