.Some Songs.

This section is chock full of various words and opinions by myself and other sources. It includes poetry and essays and other peices of miscellanious words.

Like most people out there, I was pretty damn pissed off at the actions that happened at Woodstock 99. It's sadly obvious that the phrase "peace and love" no longer ring true in the 90's. It so sad that people rioted and started fires at Woodstock. What the hell did they think they were doing? Were they trying to be cool? Were their minds so soaked with a Beavis and Butt-head mentality that they lost all sorts of civilization and maturity. Here are some articles and personal essays from myself and others to illustrate this.

The Surge of Sexism on the Rock Scene
My Essay: The Celebration of a Counterculture?
Woodstock Fans Allegedly Raped In Mosh Pit [from sonicnet.com]
Anonymous: Rape at Woodstock