My Trading Rules:

Rule No. One: Keep in touch during the trade. I'm not a psychic so if theres a problem (no matter how insignificant it may seem) please let me know; I think that its just considerate.

Rule No. Two: 2:1, Blank & Postage, Even Trades -- they all work out well for me.

Rule No. Three: I really like using Maxell Type 1 or Type 2 tapes for trades - they're good quality tapes to work with. However, I do realize that everyone has their own tape preferences, if you want to use another type of tape, please let me know.

Rule No. Four: I cannot stress this enough: DO NOT CUT SONGS! [unless they are cut on your copy, then, theres nothing we can do about it]

Rule No. Five: Please send tapes in some sort of padded envelope...even if you stuff tissues in there to make it extra safe - I hear the people at the Post Office like to play football with packages in the break room and I would hate for that football to be our trade.

Rule No. Six: I am a liberal person, but I must draw the line at a trade which involves 32 tapes, be reasonable in yer requests. I'm don't really want to dub my entire bootleg collection.

Rule No. Seven: Settle Down Beavis: I don't have access to a great mode of transportation so I can't make hourly runs to the Post Office, but I usually get the trades out ASAP. If there is a delay I will let you know
