12 Ready-Made Resolutions For Interneters

12.  Stop neglecting children; at least learn their names and birthdays

11.  Read all of the mail from all of the groups I have subscribed to

10.  Limit my subscriptions of groups to a maximum of fifty

9.  Back-up 2 gig hard drive weekly; well, maybe at least monthly

8.  Not rush to any ftp site as soon as I hear of a new Beta

7.  Insist that all "ten best" lists be strictly limited to ten

6.  Not buy magazines with AOL disks just to get another 1.44MB disk

5.  Answer Snail Mail with the same enthusiasm & promptness as e-mail

4.  Spend less than two hours a day on the Web; on new sites anyway  

3.  Promise when I hear "Where do you want to go today?", I won't laugh  

2. Think of a password other than "password" to use on web sites  

1.  Never "throw" another snowball via e-mail; at least not 'til next year