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Welcome to House Frost

-as you look around you see 2 elevators, a closed stairwell beyond that, the downstairs is dark, there is a couch hugged against the walk. someone sits on it reading a book. There are people walking all around the building. Someone sees you and run to a door-
-opening it you can see no light but a faint red- FROST, Frost someone is here... -the person looks at you- Frost.. -takes off running down the stairs-
-you wonder what is down there, your curiousity takes over and you walk to the door, keeping an eye on the guy on the couch in the corner of you eye-
-he notices you and yells-YOU CANT GO DOWN THERE!
-this scares you because the man has such an intimidating voice and face that you take off running down the stairs, you hear foot steps think it is that guy that yelled at you and you go faster, hardly seeing what is before you-
-you see red, red myst, there is a strob light on fast, you look around, your eyes trying to adjust to the strange red light and myst--you take a glimse of the wall and see faint red splatter of you dont know what (yet)--you continue to walk in and you look forward, you see a man.. on a type of table.. you walk faster, the man raises up he has something in his hand that it points down.. you notice as you get further a body.. on the table.. you think an Alter.. you wonder what this man is planning to do and stop and stare...
-suddenly he thrusts the object down, there is a faint scream then all goes quiet again. except.. for a weird sound.. you wonder what it is and then your mouth closed.. you know you were the one that screamed as you felt a wet, runny, sticky liquid splatter on your whole body-
- the man looks up and you and you hear a loud growl, you see pointy white..f..fangs in his mouth, he lunges at you and you run, he is right behind you, you run up the stairs, the growling comes closer and closer you heart pumps. you think you are going to die over and over again. then all goes black and you feel a sharp bit fast pain in your head. you fall....-

Continued... follow to The Alter Skip Introduction
House Frost Room Info, MUST READ (thanks everyone who's pictures help make this possible)

House of Frost's Blackbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View House of Frost's Blackbook



Dark Fury 69's Page
