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Wit, News and Word of the Day.


INDIAN LARRY, Brooklyn, NY's master bike builder featured on Discovery channel's "Great Biker Build Off" passed away Mon. morning 8/30/04 after performing Sunday at a motorcycle stunt show in Cabarrus, NC (Charlotte) He was standing on his bike riding, when the bike began to warble. He was unable to "regain control" and fell. He was 55. He was not wearing a helmet. He leaves behind his wife and mother.

DID YOU KNOW? Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than caffeine.

"Beauty uplifts behavior." Geo. Pullman inventor of the Pullman sleeper car.

A mushroom walks into a bar and orders a drink and the bartender says, "We don't serve your kind here." And the mushroom says, "Why? I'm a...
Fun Gi."

Katharine Hepburne leaves 4 acres of her beachfront property in Connecticut to the public.

DID YOU KNOW? The slowest day at the barber is... Thursday. I asked my hairdresser this question. Apparently it's not true.

DID YOU KNOW? Glass is not a solid. It's a super cooled liquid. Ever notice in 100 year old houses how wavy the glass is? That's because the glass is melting and is thinner on the top than on the bottom. In 100 years, if you make it that long the windows in your house will do the same. So don't forget to rotate those windows every 50 years!

WORD OF THE DAY: FECKLESS, meaning worthless, irresponsible, as in, "My best friend's four kids are so feckless, it's beyond belief. Feckless like reckless, only feckless. Don't be fecundated with feckless friends. From your fecklessly affected webmeister.

JOKE OF THE WEEK: One day a man answers his door and there's a snail at his doorstep. The man picks it up and toses it into the garden. Two years later, he hears a knock on his door. He opens and the door and it's the same snail. And the snail says, "Hey what was that all about?"

WORD OF THE DAY: HUBRIS. The hubris of the engineers of the Titantic matches that of the builders of the World Trade Center. Hubris.

NEWS: Jan. 2002 Oh no! Another Enron. Global Crossing, a fiber optics company declares Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Doesn't anyone do well anymore, heck fiber optics, isn't that the wave of the future?

WORD OF THE DAY: SINEQUANON. An absolute essential as in "Motorcycling is a sinequanon to the Bandits."

NEWS: Dec. 2001 Ebola breakout in Africa spreads to the Republic on Congo, 23 dead.

NEWS: Dec. 2001 In France they are considering a law that allows handicapped people to sue if their disability was not detected by ultrasound. This came about after a couple gave birth to a girl with Downs Syndrome. Hey, anybody out there perfect!?

NEWS: 6/2000 A truck load of Chinese immigrants (58) being smuggled to England for slave labor were all found suffocated to death. When officials opened the trucks they were all found dead holding hands... Apparently this is more common than you would think. In Italy to avoid being caught while docking, Kurds escaping the Pakistan war (and other slave immigrants) were thrown off boats as they neared shore to avoid detection, and as you would guess some drowned.

WORD OF THE DAY: Globigerina ooze. The collection of dead and decaying carcasses of plankton and calcareous shells that accumulate in vast quantities at the bottom of the ocean.
