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aLL aBoUt mE

As I said before, my name is Sarah and I'm 14 years old. I live in a happy little town in New York, and I'm quite content. If you ask some of my friends about me, they would tell you that I like dancing, rock climbing, swing dancing, typing on the computer, and, of course, the Wizard of Oz. I am obessed with this movie, I swear!!! I know all the lines to it by heart (I know it's pathetic).I also have started a small collection of ozzy stuff. I also enjoy long walks on the beach, candle-lit dinners, and men with blue eyes with those little gold flecks in them (hahaha maggie, i had to put it in!). As for music, I pretty much like anything, except rap and country, classical, and that cheesy dance party crap. Some of my favorites are Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Rusted Root, Janis Joplin, anything swing, and broadway showtunes. (dont ask)Well, enough about me, I'm going to give you a chance to check out the rest of my page.

