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Recycle, Reuse, Rethink!

Create a Garden Water Fountain

We had a very dry area in the middle of our front lawn that needed some color but was too dry to maintain a garden so this is what we came up with.

Materials We Used:

We cut the upper lip plus a couple of inches off the pool. We dug a hole about 6 inches deep then put the pool in it. We then placed the cut off ring, upside down, around the outside of the pool. We hide the pool by piling rocks on the outside and inside edges. We used a small drill bit to create even more leaks in the pool. Using more rocks we set the showerhead into an edge so that the water would shower up and then down into the pool. We used various plumbing connections to attach the showerhead to a garden hose. Our broken shower head had four different nozzles so we could change the effect. We would run the water when things got very dry. But it worked great. If we had a lot of rain, the pool and rocks would hold some of the water and seep out to water the flowers. By putting small holes in the bottom of the pool and submerging it in the dirt, the water would seep out to the roots where it was needed. Mulching the flower bed also helped maintain moisture.
Another Use For Your Mouse House

We have a 2 year old and had two remote controls for the television broken before we came up with this one. We had an extra mouse house because ours was always in use on the net. We attached it on a wall, about 24" from the ceiling in an entry way to the room and used it to store the remote control out of harms way. It works so well we went out and bought another mouse house for the stereo's remote control.

Wall Paper Illusion

Do you have a room that is to damp or gets a dose of steam, like the kitchen and bathroom, but hate the plain walls? When we moved in our home the kitchen walls weren't even painted. Wallpaper is an expensive option in a room that steam may cause problems. I painted the room off white and within two days the walls were a mess. Hand prints are cute on a plaque but not the walls.

I bought a pint of light blue paint and a sea sponge. A car sponge with big holes would probably work too. I experimented on some left over ceiling tiles until I achieved the effect I wanted. By dipping the sponge in the blue paint and working my way down from corner to corner,the walls got the color and texture they were missing. An added bonus....even when the kids loaded the dishwasher, the mess didn't stand out like a sore thumb. I don't know how many people have complimented me on the walls while looking for the wallpaper seams.

I tried the same approach with two different shades of blue and it's amazing how different the result is. My best advice is ....Experiment!

My next adventure will be the bathroom put I think I'll try rags there. Check back and I'll let you know how it works out.
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