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Disjecta Membra Poetae

This page is constantly under construction, and will contain poetry of mine and/or people I know. Please check back as I'll be working diligently to make this a page to come to for fun, for thinking, or just to surf through the Everchanging Eaves of Prolific Prose.

For Example:


Wind through plum trees blow.

Blossoms fly to land again.

Fall to be reborn.

By Calliope Muse/ November 6th, 1996

Matrix Map

Tribute To The Doctor
The Wraith
Our Own Heart
Upon The Interpretation Of Poetry
The Spaceships Didn't Want Me
Could You
Jehovah Speaks
An Ode
A Poet's Justice
Science And What We Did
The Creator

Our Little Family -- A Portrait of the Poet and the Cat
House Of Macabre
House Of Macabre Story Archive Page
Portal To Charon's Sci-Fi FanFiction Page
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