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Coley's Homepage

If you have found yourself here, you probably already know me, so you can probably skip all this stuff, but If you don't know me, Then Welcome to my webpage!!! My name is Nicole, and most of my friends know me as Coley. I am 18 (soon to be 19) and I am going to be a sophomore at SUNY Oneonta in the fall. My major is Art, but I am thinking of changing it, to, I don't know what yet. I hope you all enjoy my page, and get to know a bit more about me. Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to sign my guestbook! Thanks, Love, Coley!!!

SoMe StuFF tO ChECk OuT!!!!

okay, this page grew...there are links to more of my pictures on this page.
A happy little poem and some of my murals...more to come!!
some happy little faeries for you!
MORE faeries...Click if you BELIEVE!
Some of my poetry...
My Tori Amos page, If you LOVE her like I do...VISIT!
my cyber adoptions...and some links where you can adopt too!
My little spot on the web dedicated to Drew Barrymore.
My awards (duh)
ARETHUSA! my sorority