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Tips for General Evaluator

Idea behind the role
· The most difficult functionary role is undoubtedly that of the General Evaluator who needs to pay close attention to the meeting while simultaneously writing notes and organizing a structured 5-minute analysis of events.

· Although the new meeting guidelines cover the role comprehensively, it is not really practical to comment on every aspect of the meeting in a general evaluation.

· An effective strategy, therefore, is to concentrate on one or two aspects of the meeting such as structure, timing, audience reaction, and adherence to meeting guidelines, quality of evaluations or handling of guests.

· Hopefully, this will give a fresh angle to each general evaluation rather than a simple recitation of what happened.

· Also, General Evaluators should not be afraid to "tell it like it is" as we learn nothing from an orgy of self-congratulation.

· General evaluations are normally done by very experienced Toastmasters who must obviously set a good example of both timekeeping and structure.

The General Evaluator should be commenting on the following:

The meeting:
· Did the meeting start (7:30) and end (9:00) on time?
· Was the audience in the room seated at the beginning of the meeting?
· Was the audience well seated?-Not scattered around the room, but in front of the platform

· Had the Toastmaster prepared?
-Looked over the agenda?
-Were there introductions to the speakers of the prepared speeches
· Did the audiences have time to write up feedback to the speakers of the prepared speeches?
· Were new guests encouraged to volunteer for next week's agenda? Ah counter, Timer, Word of the Day are ideal for people who are new to the club.
· How were the guests introduced to the club?

Table Topics:
· Was their rhythm in the volunteers?
· Did the audience know the names of everyone speaking?
· Were the questions broad enough for the whole audience to understand, not just the Gen X members?

If the Table Topics master did a good job, recommend that they keep up the momentum of their public speaking and encourage they volunteer to be the Toastmaster at the next meeting.

Was anything new brought to the evening?
Anything else that is worth commenting on?

Compiled by Toastmasters of Miles Square Road, 6101-46
Printed with permission of Peter Ward,
Immediate Past President and current Vice President Education

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