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Hey Hey It's Hanson!

Chapter 10 has been added!

Hey hey! The tenth chapter is almost thisclose to being finished. I have a question: Do you want me to post it as I write? I mean, not whole chapters, just little segments? If so, email me... Get the Less Than Jake CD... and answer me this trivia question: Johnny Quest, he thinks we're what?

Anyone see Rosie O'Donnell with Hanson? I thought that I was the only "jello" Hanson fan. I guess not But what's weird is that I got an email from a Green Jello asking if she could use the name. So CALLING ALL GREEN JELLOS! Email me!
Click here for some more information about me...

Hi.. My name is Kathryn, and I'm 14, if you choose not to visit my information page, which I hope you will.... I am a big fan of Hanson, because I really love their music, and I feel that it's a big change from grungy I-hate-my-life, people-piss-me-off music. Not to knock it or anything, because I listen to it, but I'm just saying that Hanson is a change. I'm also asking you guys to bear with me, because this is my first attempt at creating a web page. My biggest pet peeve: when people don't update their websites every day. I will update every day, unless I'm grounded or something, even if it's just to say, "Hi, there's nothing new." So I hope you like it, have fun surfing!

Updates and Appearances

Here's where Hanson will be next!

Under A Violet Sky

My titled Hanson story. Read it.

Group and Appearance Pictures

Pictures of Hanson performances and photo shoots

Ike, Tay and Zac Info Pages

Individual band member's pages

Buzz about Hanson on the web!
*Remember, they may or may not be true!*
Cool places that you should visit!

Thank yous
I like to give credit where credit is due....

You can contact Hanson here

I love getting email!!!

Okay, about my guestbook... I have already had someone sign it pretending to be Hanson, which I specifically asked people not to do. If you are Hanson, please email me so that I can identify the email address, like or Faking it on a guestbook is not a very cool thing to do, so please don't. But SIGN it under your REAL NAME, please and thankyouverymuch.

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