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The Truth about BedBugs

Ok, Now that I have your attention...BedBugs? you say. Why would anyone do a page on BedBugs? Oh, your asking me aren't you? Well...I don't really know why. Kind of neat topic though isn't it? HaHa. To answer your question, I decided to do a page on BedBugs because no one really knows what they are...To find out, just read on and if you would rather know more about me...I have added a whole page about myself..scarey eh? Yeah..that's what I said

I have to be honest, I have thought many times about just deleting this page and making it fall off into the black hole that wouldn't leave a trace of it's existance. Why didn't I?, you ask. This was my first page, I learned so much from this page and maybe many of you out there think it's nonsense and is wasting space on the net. But is it really wasting space? I don't think so, the net is huge, it is just a small portion and if it is not liked by someone, I say.. don't visit it. And to all the people who have visited this page and praised it, I give my thanks to you for your support.

I added a disclaimer to my page because I thought it was necessary from some email I have recieved. Please read it before continuing. Thanks :)

Sign my guestbook and tell me what you think, I love to hear your opinions.. maybe you could give me some ideas on how to improve this page or maybe you have some more info on these creatures that I haven't learned yet, I would love to hear about it :)

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