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Hi I'm Brosh. Welcome to my world! Well heres a little bit about me. Im 42 From New York City (THE GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD!). I live alone. Current status single (But not for long i hope:-)). I Meet a wonderful woman her name is Pamela and she means the World to me. She is 38 yrs old. And we have Great Time's Together. I'm all so a pretty good cook, and an even better BoyFreind!(LOL). Well enough about me. I'd like your comments. Please e-mail me with suggestions. I'm always up for good advice! Oh I love reading LOVE poems To My GirlFriend or write some of my own to Her.

A Poem == Called == One Day at a Time ==

Whatever the goal we're pursuing,no matter how rugged the climb, we're certain to get there by trying our best, and taking one day at a time. "Forever" is hard to imagine, "the futrue" may seem far away~ but every new dawn brings a wonderful chance to do what we can on that DAY.


{"I have a "Great Friend" who write poem's Please goto Her homepage and read some!! and sign her Guestbook to!! (Thank you!!)... "De's Poetry"...( Deidre Leighann Hall Homepage)...she has "Great Poetry"}.... Please take time to Read some!!!

{ Song That Is Playing: "My Heart Will Go On"}


~*My Picture*~

Violence Against Women!!

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..."Hit Banner for Great Link's"...And Enjoy My Fun Page!!!...(Thank You!!)

Things I Want To Acomplish!!

*Want To Get Married Some Day(#1)

*Hit The Lottery(#2)

*Loves To Read Romantic Poems(#3)

*Hope To Have Some Kids(#4)

*Want To Leave New York City(#5)

*Sit By A Cozy Fireplace With My Women To Be(#6)

Eastern DayLight Time!! ~~>

ToDay's Date!! ~~>

Things I Do For Fun!!!
