Information . . .

Information . . .

So you'd like to contribute to Apollo Online! Great! There are just a few things you need to know before you start . . .

First of all, there are two ways to submit your things to "Apollo". These are:

1) Email ~ you can email your contributions to us at

2) URL ~ if you wish to, you can type up your own submission on a page in a homepage editor (like Angelfire, Geocities, Tripod, etc) and email us the URL of the page. This is a great method because you save us a lot of work and do your own spell-checking. If you choose this method, please use a black background with your choice of the color for the font. Keep in mind, though, that we reserve the right to upload and edit your page if need be. (This will not affect the original page, only the copy to be used in "Apollo").


So you know how to contribute, now here's what you need to remember . . .

*Your submission must be accompanied by your real name (first, first/last, etc.) and email address.

*If you wish to copyright your work, please include the following at the bottom of your contribution: Copyright 1998 by (your name). The editor will not copyright works for you - you must include it on your own.

*Annonymous contributions will not be printed. However, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions.

*And as always, you can reach the editor or any of the writers through our official email address at

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to contribute!
