Apollo Online



Freestyle Sessions


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October '98 ~ Vol. 1, Issue #6

~ an alternative e-zine that lets voices be heard ~

~ Deep Thoughts From the Editor . . . ~

Another month, another new look . . .

Welcome to our newest edition (and newest make-over) of Apollo Online! We hope our new design makes things a bit easier to navigate, and also helps give us a more stream-lined appearance. We recently hit our "500" counter mark, and it's onward and upward from here! Our "official" webring (which I'm the co-ringmaster of) is doing really well, and I'd like to thank any of you who find our site through the Wavelength Webring or any others that we're involved in. We appreciate your visit!

We've gained a few contributors, and we've lost a few in the past month, but we managed to get out on schedule again (twice in a row! Who woulda thought? :) and we hope you enjoy what we've come up with for this month. As always, new contributors are always welcome, so please don't hesitate to get involved. Thanks, and see you all again next month!



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All works copyright 1998 by "Apollo" and all participating contributors.

This Wavelength Webring site is owned by Jess.

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Email: sun_rise@webtv.net