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GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

DUE:  Tuesday, 3 June 2003


(1) Place all webpages made into your portfolio (notebook/binder).

(2) Word process the following information in ARIAL (normal - not bold) and no larger than 12 point.

The items that you have used for the community resource information and the process with which you put this together
What you have learned in this process (a minimum of 5 learnings)
What you liked most about doing this project
How the project will be used and how it will help the community
Areas you might do differently if you had to do this again/\. Explain reason(s).
Areas you might keep the same if you had to do this project again. Explain reason(s).

(3) Email teacher ( the above word-processed information and send the document as an attachment

(4) Make sure to place the words FINAL EXAM - GIS in the subject matter line.

DUE:  Noontime - Tuesday, 3 June 2003.