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...Taking the Tropicana Garden Tour!!......

Tropical MIDI 10 Juke: Use your "Refresh Button" to change songs

I live in Central California with my wife and have a BA in Psychology, and I retired at 45 years old in 1990 from 25 years of field Steel Construction. Still with me? I still dabble in Psychology on occasion. I enjoy spending my time on line where I build a few websites for myself and others when I am interested. This Tropicana Garden site is born out my frustration at a lack of information and the pleasure I get from sharing my experinces with others. I served with the Black Panther Mechanized Bn. , 9th Division, in Vietnam, 1967-68'. Terrible war, and it sparked my interest late in life to study psychology to help other PTSD Vietnam veterans. You can drop by my Psychological Counseling site if you would like.

I love music, all kinds of music, and on occasion I write Country & Western songs, I have performed on stage, on televison, and played many events for family and friends and my Vietnam Brothers. My Dad who plays professional acuostic guitar in an Mariachi orchestra was telling me I have recorded over 1,500 songs on tape (not all my own), going back to the 50's. You can visit my True Prince Eagle Collection website.

I love sun and I love water. I used to be a sufer bum down in New Port Beach, CA. area, so naturally I have site with surfing designed into it. Feel free to drop by my California Forum Site. I guess that should tell you more about me than most people have a right to know. Have a nice day & enjoy my sites.

Macky Helps Pick up the Litter