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North Las Vegas Code Enforcement

North Las Vegas Code Enforcement

·        Contact Numbers

·        General Information

·        Complaints Investigated

o       General Nuisance

o       Business Complaints

o       Zoning Complaints

·        Complaints Handled by Other Departments

·        Specific Code Violations

o       Litter

o       Noise

o       Odors

·        Web Resources

Contact Phone Numbers

Information/Complaint Line 633-1677

Fax Number 633-5278

Graffiti Hotline 633-1871

Graffiti in Progress 9-1-1

North Las Vegas Police 649-9111 (non-emergency)

Secret Witness 385-5555

Neighborhood Watch 633-1810

The Code Enforcement Division office is located at 3120 Losee Road. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Appointments can be scheduled to discuss enforcement issues at the office or at the location where a violation exists.

The Code Enforcement Division is unable to provide legal advice or financial assistance, nor enforcement of homeowners’ association covenants, conditions and restrictions.

Complaints Investigated

Nuisance Violations:

·         Weeds on private property.

·         Garbage, trash and junk on private property.

·         Illegal dumping on private property.

·         Graffiti. Call the 24-hour graffiti hotline, 633-1871.

·         Trash receptacles left out after trash pickup day.

·         Abandoned vehicles on private property.

·         Unlicensed and inoperative vehicles stored on private property.

·         Unsecured vacant buildings (board-ups only).

·         Basketball hoops on the sidewalk or street.

·         Tree branches hanging low over sidewalks or streets, weeds growing onto sidewalks.

Business License Violations:

·         Illegal home occupations, i.e., illegal commercial businesses from a residence.

·         Businesses operating without a business license.

·         Businesses operating on an expired business license.

·         Outside product displays on commercial property.

·         Individuals selling products on public or private property.

Zoning Violations:

·         Commercial vehicles parked in a residential zone.

·         Vehicles parking on an unpaved surface.

·         Structures built within setbacks.

·         Signs placed in the public right-of-way.

·         Illegal signs on private and public property.

·         Using a recreational vehicle as living quarters (except in RV park).

·         Use, occupancy or storage of a mobile home (except in a licensed mobile home park or subdivision).

·         Barbed wire fences in residential zones.

·         Electrical fences.

·         Fences over eight feet in residential zones.

·         Fences over four feet in residential front yards.

·         Fences in disrepair.

·         Activities not in compliance with current zoning regulations.

Complaints Handled By Other Departments/Agencies

·         Structures built without a permit, contact North Las Vegas Building Safety, 633-1922.

·         Dangerous building needing to be condemned, contact North Las Vegas Building Safety, 633-1922.

·         Mobile home complaints, contact North Las Vegas Building Safety, 633-1922.

·         Obstructions in the street that pose a danger to the public, contact Public Works Roadway Operations, 633-1298.

·         Traffic signals, streetlights and traffic signs, contact Public Works Traffic Operations, 633-1298.

·         Problems on construction sites, contact Public Works Quality Control Division, 633-1318.

·         Environmental hazards, contact Public Works Resources/Environmental, 633-1216.

·         Water main shutoff, contact Public Works Maintenance Operations, 633-1275.

·         Water meter leaking, contact Public Works Maintenance Operations, 633-1275.

·         Water waste, call the water conservation hotline, 633-1216.

·         Stray animals, contact North Las Vegas Animal Control, 633-9111.

·         Fire code issues, contact North Las Vegas Fire Department/Fire Prevention Bureau, 633-1104.

·         Abandoned vehicles on public streets, contact North Las Vegas Police Department, 633-9111.

·         Dust blowing on vacant land and construction sites, contact the Air Quality Division of the Clark County Health District, 385-1276.

·         Tenant/landlord problems, contact Nevada Legal Services, 386-1070.

·         Code violations in Las Vegas, contact the Las Vegas Neighborhood Response office, 229-6615.

·         Code violations in unincorporated Clark County, contact Clark County Public Response, 455-4191.

·         Illegal activities on land owned by the Bureau of Land Management, contact BLM Rangers, 647-5000.

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Specific Code Violations


8.24.040 Litter on private property.

No person shall throw or deposit or cause to deposit litter on any portion of private property within the city, whether owned by such person or not, except in receptacles for collection in such manner that litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements or otherwise upon any street, sidewalk or other public place or upon any private property. (Ord. 744 § 5, 1982)


8.24.090 Violation--Penalty.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and to be credited to a special fund to cover the cost of enforcement of this chapter. Any moneys derived thereafter will be credited to the general fund. Every day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. Additionally, any person found guilty of violating this chapter shall be assessed court costs. (Ord. 744 § 10, 1982)



8.28.010 Excessive noise unlawful.

It is unlawful for any person to create noise or emit sound or cause the creation or emission thereof which is unreasonably loud, disturbing or unnecessary and is of such character, intensity or duration as to be detrimental to the life or health of any individual, or in disturbance of the public peace and welfare. (Ord. 722 § 1 (part), 1982: prior code § 7.33.010)


8.28.040 Violation--Penalty.

Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be convicted for a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period of time not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 722 § 1 (part), 1982: prior code § 7.33.030)


8.32.010 Obnoxious odors prohibited.

A. No person shall keep his yard, premises, or place of business, either as owner or occupant thereof, in an unclean or unwholesome condition, nor shall any person permit any unwholesome or obnoxious odors to permeate from his yard, premises, or place of business which are or may become injurious to public health, indecent or offensive to the senses, or any obstruction, hindrance, or substantial impairment of the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties.

B. Declaration of Nuisance; Abatement. Violations of subsection A of this section are declared to be public nuisances as a threat, danger and harm to the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the city which may be abated as provided by law. Any costs incurred by the city in abating nuisances under this section shall become a lien upon the property affected. (Ord. 661 § 2, 1980: prior code §§ 7.34.010, 7.34.020)

Additional Resources

North Las Vegas Code Enforcement

North Las Vegas Animal Control

North Las Vegas Community Development

North Las Vegas Municipal Court

Nevada Law

Additional Links on the Treasures Web Site

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