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Updates:(9/12/02) Added two new fics. "Death is my Gift" in the General Fiction section and "Calling" in the Adult Fiction. Also, added bloggies! (Bloggies:Quirky sayings, cool quotes,and mini-rants by me and some other people ;0). Add you own!)
Updates:(9/9/02) GRAND OPENING! The Archive isn't quite finished yet, but everything else is up and running. Don't forget to sign my guest book!!


Squee!! Lookie what I make!!

Copyright Jackiekins/Hija/Karina--of course

My various cliques and fanlistings::
Made by Chrissy at the Babble Board- Doesn't she rock!?!

My FanForum Avie, found at Apocolyptic Paradise and made by Kittie231. Many thanks!

Original concept,design,and graphics ©2002 K.DeLeon.This site is BUFFYrighted.'Read Write Deny' trademarked to aforementioned creator.