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It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Bueno Hobby Doc.

The Watkins family would like to thank both Jimmie Paul Jr., and Jim Paul, Sr. for training our world class horse, Buddy. Although our time with him was short, we knew we were fortunate to have the opportunity to own such an incredible horse. Buddy made a championship run every time he left the box.

On April 13, 2001, Buddy died from complications while recovering from surgery.

World Qualifier 1998, 1999, 2000 & 2001
2001 Amateur Performance Register Of Merit
2000 Top Ten Open High Point junior Dally Team Roping Heeling
2000 Open Superior Dally Team Roping Heeling
1999 Open Performance Register Of Merit
Hearts of everyone that he came in contact with.

"We look forward to riding your babies, and hope they are half the horse your were."
Duane and Cindy

"Buddy, you were such an awesome horse, thank you for the time I had with you."

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