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50 Plain White Envelopes

(This site has a little of everything:kegstands, snowboarding, puke, wakeboarding, reviews, pics ...)

If Only I Was Good Enough To Get Sponsored



Why are you here. Well if it is because you want to know why I have "50 Plain White Envelopes" as a title well then check out the STORY. Whatever your reason I hope you find the answers here.

Well I finally did another review. Hope it doesn't suck as bad as the last one. I visited Texas Ski Ranch (to check them out go to links)and rode their CablePark! The other review is on downhill skateboards. It was fun because I got ot try out stuff that not many people knew about. In fact I know that if you ride the tierney board really fast down a hill and start to carve one way then try to turn back to fast you will fall break your wrist, screw up your ankle, and spend a good 15 min in a gutter wondering if anyone saw you do that and if you can walk. There are an ass load of boards out there and they are not cheap so check this out. Most of the boards are pretty good, but it depends on what you want it for the most. Check it out Snowboardtrainers! If you would like to see a comparison of something else Email Me