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I have found you in the stars, and from then on I was certain that those stars would no longer be what
connected every aspect of my life together, but it was you. The beauty that those stars held, were so
amazing, and they glowed so bright, as though illuminating a light of promise and hope. They were
stars that enabled my eyes to shine with such charismatic appearance. So much curiousity lay among
those astonishing celestial bodies, that leave me speechless... unable to comprehend, or even define the
path in which the stars have drawn for me... Each star, representing one of our dreams... falls
each time one of our wishes comes true... and soon enough, the skies will be clear of all stars, and they
will be found within the sparkle of our eyes...

Something about the layout of the stars leaves me into thinking that the stars themselves are attempting to
spell out a message to me. I have tried many times before to locate the message with my eyes, and
have only found myself failing at every attempt. Somehow the stars seem so much more visible
to me, when with you... and it is then that the stars allow me to see the message that I already knew--
'I AM IN LOVE.' I know that within the infinite amount of stars that are located among the endless
stretch of dark skies, there are spirits lingering behind every illumination... Spirits that only wish
for my well-being... and spirits that are well aware of every single wish I make at night, as I look
above to them. They answered my prayers, and made my dreams come true-- Bringing you down to me
as my very own Lucky STAR...

I once thought that Love's existence was exactly like an attempt in trying to capture a star... It's
often times seen as an impossibility, but one keeps the effort going, and NEVER GIVES UP. "You are
the sun in my winter sky, you are the hello in my goodbye. You are the stars shining down on me, you are
everything I had hoped you would be. You are the arms wrapped around a hug, you are the pull when I
need a little tug. You are the lips that feel my gentle touch, you are the one who loves me so much.
You are the one who I come to for love, you are my angel sent from above. I need your love, I need
you too, because I am the I in I love you."

BEBE-- I am SO in LOVE with you...
There is no ending note that allows music to stop... Because music can only be heard with the heart, and
what is found in the heart is never ending.

