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AL Manny-----NL Luis

AL Mark------NL John
June 12, 2002

Alright, well I juss simmed, I only got about 7 rosters this time?? I dunno if u guys didn't know or what, but o well, that was the last time you could trade. Next sim is Saturday, and I will finish the season, and get SOME NEW GMS. GET ALL YOUR EXTENSIONS IN BY SATURDAY, OR ALL PLAYERS BECOME FREE AGENTS! THATS ALL I GOT TO SAY!! Get ALL EXTENSIONS IN so I can finish season and START SEASON 2!

Im out, PEACE!
June 9, 2002

Sorry all, this coulda caused some problems, but its about...4 in the morning, and I got school tomorrow, but im just finishing up the sim. I simmed a month. Sorry about that if you didn't get your rosters in, it is my fault, hate me, quit, do whatever, IM SORRY! Now anyways, sorry about that last update, I said I was going til the trade deadline, I decided not to, I decided to give you one more month to trade before I do. Also, Contract Extensions can now be offered. You get two chances to sign them, if they dont sign, they then go to the FREE AGENT BIDDING WAR, or you can trade them. Thats all for now, Im goin to bed cuz I gotta be up in like a couple hours for skool.

Im out, PEACE!