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  • ::My Angel::
  • ::With You::
  • ::Just::
  • Outro

  • mai gosh.. ish been a long tym since i've been here... but to update everything about me... yah.. if you don't know i'll let you know.. i'm in a long term realtionship now (almost 10 months) yupz.... i have a xanga payge.. if you wanna check it awt... i update that more anyway so you might want to! it's.... so yah... see you soon!

    Name: Noelle Frances Villa
    Age: 15 years old
    Dob: October 13th, 1987
    POB: Quezon City, Philippines
    Location: San Diego, CA
    Aim s/n: kuletz87
    status: tayken!
    just an average kindda person.. the jeans and the shirt...yeah that's me.. I don't like make-ups and things like that cuz i want the people to see my natural beauty =) I love r&b, slow songs and pinoy pop.I love writing poetry and yeah... singing too... very talented huh!? hehehe.. i also play the guitar . i like hanging out at the mall with my friends and cousins...well yeah.. that's me

    This is for you!
    though things aren't going the way we want it to be, i just want you to know how thankful i am having you. i know i said thank you to you a million times but one million isn't just enough... you know what i mean? saying i love you every night... isn't enough to describe what i'm feeling right now. there is no exact word for it... i've been looking but i just can't find one... that's how much i love you!

    Ummm.. I like people who are fun to talk to... especially people that I usually talk to on the phone or online... you guyz know who you are right?!.. i'm not gonna list names cuz it' gonna take all the space. Also.. i also like people that you can trust and someone who is honest... i can tell stories and you can tell yours.. easy right?!

    Two words: PLASTIC TUPPERWARE! I don't like people who go with the crowd.. You're not them... express your OWN self... maybe they'll follow you... you don't have to be shy on who you really are... life is short! enjoy it! Also I don't like people who talks about other people... well bad stuff... you know what they say "Look at the mirror?"

    ~My life doesn't need to be perfect. I don't need to be rich or famous. As long as I have you, that's more than enough.
    ~Loving someone may mean sacrifice and pain but if the person I am to love is you, I would sacrifice and embrace the pain than not to love you at all.
    ~Give those you love a big hug and the sweetest kiss to remind them of your love. Never take a moment forgranted cuz at a blink of an eye, ou could loose them forever!
    ~Happiness is not the absence of sorrow, it the presence of you in my life.
    ~My bigggest reward is to see you smile, knowing you're happy. I know life is sometimes cruel but that's why I'm here to show that life can be good when somebody cares.

    Ever since we said goodbye
    Tears dropping from my very eyes
    As they cover you up with the blanket
    It means goodbye ~ forever
    Even though i can't touch you anymore
    Can't hug you anymore
    Can't see you anymore
    I can always say that i can feel you
    Even though we're far apart
    You're there to guide and look after me
    And i'll always remember what you said ~

    With you I'm always happy
    With you I'm always protected
    With you I feel safe
    All worries and fears
    Fades away
    With a blink of an eye
    A snap of a finger
    Everything clears up
    I feel so strong
    With you by my side
    And I know for sure I can do everything

    Just look into my eyes
    So you can see the truth
    Just look inside my heart
    So you can see who I love
    Just look inside my dreams
    So you can see who I care for
    Just look in me
    So you'll know who I really am
    Just open my soul and search
    You'll discover things about me
    Just open your eyes
    Because there's a lot of things in me

    Thanks for dropping by but this isn't over yet.. you gotta go and leave me a lil note on my guestbook... don't forget if you need something or someone to talk to just email me ... give me a ring.. or just drop by and im me ok?!