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Birthday: July 8, 1986
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Industry: Business
Expertise: mEn, sp0rtz, n' bytchin'
Hobbies: sp0rts [ track & s0ccer ] , chillin'.. , bytCh, n' hanG ouT wit mah gurlies
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Member since: 12/7/02

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December 2002


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Monday, December 23, 2002

currently spinNin' -->>fOr alwayz- atlantic starR [HOTTNES SONG FROM BAQ IN DA DAY.. DUN HATE!]

ashtOn'z christmas party was off da hizOok ya'll!

mOod- club mOde[hehehe.. lol verO]


ayOo.. was gOod ya'll? well let see if i can remember what i've dOne for da past cOuple days... saturday, wOke up , spOke to shani, and was PLANNING to get all mah x mas gifts buh ummm bank clOsed n' mah dad was incOgnegrO.. so den'.. i get ready for mah gurls x mas party which was VERY NICE BY THE WAY.... so i get der' n its me, T, n russel [<-- nO cOmment]... n we're there just whylin out n' gettin served foOd by her mOm.. bangin foOod too.. i wanted to eat all da shrimp buh umm yOu knO dats type greedy.. n nO one had cOme der' yet.. so then peOple start to arrive n' i get diz shirt frOm shanay, bag n jewelry frOm T, n bangin perfume frOm lauren... den' one of our friends gOes n' dOes something SO OBVIOUS it was ridiculOus.. so we all start to crack up cuz he was tryin sO hard buh it wasnt wOrkin'.... den we watch the liOn king, n me n shani are dOin are lil tribal dance.. den' i cried when mufasa died... .... THATS A CLASSIC MOVIE!! den we started to play cards... n' began to mOve intO cOuple mOde so i started to get a lil bOred n started to get a headache.. sOo me n T left early.. da next day.. veRo helped me wit mah bg which hasn't been dOne yet. buh its gOnna be hOtness ya'll... n den me n mah brO spent quality tyme tOgether since he's been buggin me diz whOle weekend.. so we watched TV tOgether... buh he had me scared fO a sec when he said he was gOnna gO beat up da guy who started diz bad rumOr bOut him... n yOu guys nO mah brO would never resOrt ta viOlence.. buh last night, he seemed so serIous.. n i gOt wOrried.. buh he was only playin.... den da next mOrnin der's track, n mah hamstring were killin' me.. n i'm runnin da spring med n da shuttles.. n i really dun want to.. buh mr B is kinda makin me..... so i get hOme.. n me n verO plan dat we HAVE TO GO clubbin tOgetha... n her friend gaby wants tO cOme toO.. so its gOnna be da 3 of us.. HOTTNESS! its a messs cuz i'm such da club type n everyOne thinks i gO to parties every weekend.. buh i've never been to one.. so imma have to go der' n shOw em' hOw to get dOwn.. lol.. cuz everyOne and der' momma sistas uncles cousins grandmas nieces nephews daughter knO mah ass lOves ta dance.. so i dunnO wen' we're gOnna gO.. buh we're gOin periOd.. so we may gO to abyss or krOme... n den i have tO gO clubbin wit allen n mah gurl irene.. cuz itz a must n' we've been plannin tOo for a while.. buh i've been sO freakin busy sOo i havent been able to gO... lol me n verO said that we'd gO ta church da day befOre n ask him tO fOrgive us for the sins we are gOing to coMmit dancin cuz bOi.. yOu just dOnt knO... we're gOnna be sOo crazy... da next day we're gOnna have to BATHE in hOly water... lol...buh datz it.... leave dem pr[o]pz n commentz.. `1 yaself.... --> here are sOme quOtes...



"I can't keep on lovin' you..One foot outside the door...I hear a funny hesitation of a heart that's never really sure.."

"Not afraid to let go....Want a no doubt be there kind of man...You came real close, but every time you built me up, you only let me down... & everybody knows almost doesn't count....."

"I found it quite strange.. The way you said her name & when you look in her eyes.. I see the lust you can't deny.. It's more to this than what you say cause in your sleep you called her name.. You say she's just a friend.. I knew right then cause the rain began.."

"Look into my eyes.. You will see, what you mean to me..Search your heart, search your soul..When you find me, then you'll search no more.. Don't tell me, it's not worth trying for.. You can't tell me it's not worth dying for...You know it's true everything I do I do it for you...Look into your heart, you will find there is nothing there to hide..Take me as I am, take my life... I would give it all, I would sacrifice.. Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for... I can't help it, there's nothing I want more...."

"Before I dream, I lay and think of you every night.. Honest to God
I'm telling you the truth... I wish you could see.. How much your presence means to me ..... You would love me so much .... More each day... I'll walk for you through the desert heat.. I'll climb the mountains highest peak .. I'lll swim forever in the deepest sea ... Just for you this song I sing ... For all the love and joy you bring ..... For you I'll try to do the impossible things ...."

"Most girls want a man with the bling-bling ...Got my own thing, got the ching-ching.. I just want real love .... Most girls want a man with the mean green.. Don't wanna dance if he can't be.. Everything that I dream up .. A man that understands real love ...."

"You make sick...I want you and I'm hatin' it...Got me lit like a candlestick.. Get too hot when you touch the tip..I'm feeling it, I gotta get a grip on this.. Driving me crazy baby don't you quit...Can't get enought of it...You got me going again.. Baby you got me going again...You make sick..."

"I am an opportunity and I knock so softly .... Sometimes I get loud when I wish everybody'd just get off me ... So many playas you'd think I was a ball game... Its every man for themself, there are no team mates ... This life gets lonely when everybody wants something ... This might have been your fate but they'll get their's eventually & I hope I'm there.. Surrounded by familiar faces without names.. None of them know me or want to share my pain  & they only wish to bask in my light, then fade away ..To win my love, to them a game ... To watch me live my life in pain ... When all is done and the glitter fades, fades away ..... They'll get their's eventually & I hope I'm there .."

 6:07 pm - 6 eProps - 2 comments - email it

Saturday, December 21, 2002

--» currently spinnin' -- Olivia "BizzOunce «--

"i'm tired ov yOu stressin me.."

"i'm bOut to bizZounce.. i cant take diz shyt nO mOre.. picture frame brOken daddy cuz i cant trust yOu.. im ridin high nOw.. so ni99a fuq yOu.."

"cuz yOu dun wanna fuq wit me.."

*otha quotes*

"nObody knOz da pain i feel.. nObody knOz buh its fO real. i can feel it.. i dO...nObody knOz dat i miss yOu..nObody knOz buh its da truth..i can feel it.. i dO.. yOu cannOt pretend dat i dUn even matter.. yOu n' i kNow betta.." -- brandy

"nO one can say wutz righ fO me.. dey dOnt have ta live mah lyfe.." --brandy

"nO one can see da tears i cry.. no One is der' tO dry mah eyes.. nO one can see inside of me.. " --brandy

"i dun car wut dey say bOut yOu.. den dun knO hOw i feel fO yOu.. dun care wut dey say bOut me.. dey dUn knO n' dey cant see..." --brandy

"it wasnt meant to be.. cuz love wOuldnt do diz to me..." --brandy



ayOo.. was gOod ya'll? I'm gettin type pissed cuz i wrOte diz xanga like twice cuz i kept on gettin disconnected sO imma paraphrase da shyt i have to say.. n maybe i'll lengthen it when or if i have da patience n' tyme.. so n e wayz.. wednesday night.. i was talkin ta D settin up a b ball match between him n his brO n den me n laur.. cuz i had to shut him up cuz he was talkin out his ass sayin dat he cOuld beat us n' ish.... yea, sOmeonez gOnna have their feelins n' egO hurt sOon cuz dey are in fo a BIG SUPRISE... so i hOpe dey start practicin cuz we're goin to be breakin sOme ankles ya heard.. oh boi.. its gOnna be a tragedy... lol.. heheh... n' den i was talkin to LatOnya bOut thinkin of an excuse to miss first period cuz i really didnt want to fail dat test.. so she decided she was gOnna just get signed in late.. buh mah mom dukes is gOnna be @ wOrk. n mah brO hadnt cOme hOme yet.. so i had to think up an anotha one.. so da next mOrnin i walked in n' i pull mah teacher aside n im lyke 'dr johnson.. i feel like imma bOut to cOllapse.. mah cramps hurt soOo much. n' im bleedin..' n den hes like 'OMG. HERES A PASS FOR THE NURSE. JUST GO!"... hehehe.. see da perfect excuse.. tellin a guy bOut yO period is sumtin he NEVER wants ta hear.. so i miss mah trig test alOng wit half da class cuz everyOne came in late to miss it. cuz nObody knew wut da hell dey were doin.. you try and sOlve 'arcsin [cos 2] ' n shyt.... tuff ish...well actually nOw i no dah answer.. buh before dat looked like staight up greek....den second same ol shyt.. third.. same ol shyt... 4/5... nOw everyOne readin diz.. marq mah wOrd.. n remember wut i say right now cuz yOu're gonna need it for what happens later on in da entry.... the sub told us dat THE HISTORY TEST WOULD BE CANCELLED FOR FRIDAY AND GIVEN AFTER THE BREAK.... n it left his mouth n went intO Our ears... so of course.. no one bothered to study for it... 6/7 same old shyt... lunch.. same ol shyt... 9th... me n allison were y'lin out bOut da hoz in our school.. she was just makin me laugh.. i love dat gurl.. n den afterschOol... we had a semi hard wOrkout... 500.. 3 300 back to back... n 6 100... i was sOo tired... buh i was happy...den i went inside.. spOke tah mr lester.. n spOke to diz bangin spanish dude who had surgery on his leg.. and broke two of his bones.... aww pOor baby....gOt hOme.. n studied for a physics n' trig test.... den da next day...i KNEW i was gOnna have a bad day cuz everytime it rains.. sumtin bad happens. so firstperiod.. i get Out of mah trig test cuz he let me take it when we get back.. den i'm hearin sum shyt dat mr ma cluck cluck is makin us take the test tOday .. cuz T was cryin bOut it... den i'm lyke 'nah dat cant be cuz he said it was gOnna be canceled'.. n sO in da beginnin of secOnd.. me n lauren gO to his rOom to peer to see if they were takin it.. n dey were.. so we start to freak out.. n luckily lauren had da 'study guide' so we studied a tad bit.. den we get tah 4/5 n he tries to black on me fo arguin wit him bOut da test.. so everyOne lyke failed it.. den i get baq mah nOtecards dat i spent til 6 AM workin on and get a DAMN B+ n i'm sOO pissed cuz i would have gotten an A buh he said i didnt site da website right when it wasnt even in da damn boOk.. n he never told us how to.. ASSHOLE.. so after that i was really seriously about hurt him.. n stab him wit a fork ==E cuz of da stupid stunt he pulled.. i mean, how iz it Our fault dat da damn sub told us it was canceled.. but yet hes gettin mad at us... WUT AN ASS!!!! so da rest of the day i was soo pissed... an in 6/7 we sang carOlz in french... 8th period.. same ol shyt.. 9th we tOok a test... n i did fyne on it.. kinda easy if you studied his study guide.. den in 10th it was type 'club PHS' cuz mah hubby [allen {V}] mah daughter [ashley], diz kid named jason, thomas, lakia, n rayna were jammin tO sOme music bOi.. it was fun... den i find out we have no practice.. sOo i gO home.. n' fall asleep. n den i get a text frOm sOmeon buh of course wit mah ghetto phone. i cant figure out who it iz.. argghh... n mah bro came home. YAY!!!...oh n 10th.. i stOpped by verO'z class to get her adresss sO i can gO to her hOuse n' give her her present for her b day... n dat was basically mah lyfe for da past few days.....imma leave you wit sOme quOtez n sum thOUghtz of mine.. leave dem propz n comments.. `1 yaself...



"- afta all tha thinkin` n cryin` ive been thru i finally reaLized .. im throug wit da games n lies...i dun need yO pity.. i cant take yO disguise.. quit lOokin in mah eyes.. n tellin me yOu want me by yO side... cuz i nO ur tellin dat gurl da same shyt, i'm nOt suprised... i nO yo game, i'm thrOugh wit it... if yOu think imma fallin' n' believin your ass den yOu stuck on sUm dum shyt..."

 2:20 pm - 4 eProps - 2 comments - email it

Wednesday, December 18, 2002



curRently spinnin'- [oLivia- bizzOunce]


" I'm about to bizounce...I can't take this shit no more..Picture frame broken daddy 'cuz I can't trust you..I'm ridin' high now.. So nigga fuck you"



aYoo, was gOod?.. imma pass out befOre da' week is ova if i dOn get a break..i gOt a cOncert tOday, plus like 24382048 tests cuz teachers like to rush in test beFo da' break commences n' it pisses me off.. sO nOw i gOtta stress n' cram al night tOday.. i think imma have a nervOus breakdOwn like fOreal fOreal... buh anywayz, 1st periOd, ya'll knO, like always.. knOq'd da fuq oUt.. 2nd periOd i was in da' otha buildin cuz we had to practice singin' wit da orchestra befo da' cOncert cuz' we haven't... den' third periOd came in da same guy was all up in mah grill tOday... damn, cOuld i get mah face baq??.. buh den' he went baq to da' ho in our class askin her fO head, n' of cOurse she said she'd dO it.. yea, i hear shyt like dat on a daily basis in damnit drivers ed.. itz a mess.. cuz we gOt all da' hOodlums in der'.. nOt sO pleasant..oh lawd.. n' den der' was histOry.. SHUT UP! STOP LAUGHING [for thOse who were der']... yea, it was a very funny day... well, as ya'll knO, i'm dead tired, so i sit in da' frOnt n' of cOurse if i sleep itz all extra obviOus buh mah teacher dOesnt really care.. buh his ass is gOnna gO n' stare dead at me like .12 centimeters away frOm mah face.. den' i hear da' class gigglin', n at dat moment, i didnt knO he was there, so i wake up, and hes all up in mah face.. n' i scream so fuqin loud n pOp up.. n ' of cOurse da whOle class is dyin.. if yOu ask me, dat was a scary experience... lol.. buh den der was french, n' slept like usual.. datz mah nap periOd.. n' im still pullin off n' A cuz i'm gangsta like dat'.. hehehe.. den der was lunch.. OMG!! DER' WAS A FIGHT N' I MISSED IT!! like alwayz.. n' yOu knO wat it was over.. FOOD! damnit man.. i mean, do they need hObbies.. were they realy dat' hungry to get 10 days over some fries??? oH yea.. n' CRIE' CRIE' CRIE' [lol @ allen, me, n' allison] for mah gurl passin' her drivers test.. HOLLER BAQ!..hOt mess.. ignant fOlk....den in physics we learned mO crap.. den' in chOir, i was talkin to mah boi... yOu knO.. da one dat just came out da' clOset n' he tOld me hOw he has this 20 year old bf dat lives in NY... he was sOo happy... i guess i'm happy fO him..... den' afterschoOl.. oh lawd.. afterschool, i run to avOid j.. but befOre den'... fOr thOse of yOu whO knO mah gurls [shanay n' T]... dey are very brazen, n' outspOken sOo if dey dOn't like sumtin, they're gOin to say sOmethin abOut it... so i'm @ mah lOcker.. n M & D pass by n' dOnt say a wOrd.. soO dey' thOugh dat' was shady n' wrOng.. so they started screamin Out 'yooOo.. arent those your friends whO pass by yOu n' dOnt say a wOrd'.. 'dey suppOsedly yO friendz buh dey act like dey dOnt nO yOu wen dey see yOu....' along wit sum otha stuff....n M & D duN say n e thin' n dey jus keep walkin n' ignOrin dem'.. buh mah gurls keep on gOin on.. n' its beyOnd mah cOntrol cuz they're gOnna keep sayin wut dey want.... oh well... its nOt like dey' were talkin out der' ass n' sayin shyt dat wuzn't da truth..... nuff sed.. so den' i get treatment on mah leg afterschOol cuz it hurts in mah hamstring area, so i gOt heat n' i stretched.... oh yea... i want mah mOney baq fo those damn cOin wars damnit!! i put mah whOle lyfe savin's worth in dat' buqet fo it just to be taken away by cheatin n' squandered on da' seniors... soOo i better get mah damn nickel  baq... YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN GET FO A NICKLE.. shOoOo... datz gOod money right der' bOi... n' ya'll kNo what a brOko mofO i am, so a nickel is a wHoLE Lotta money.... buh n e wayz.. nOw i'm hOme, n i just read a text frOm mah bOi phil dat says 'I WANNA HAVE EMEMZ BABIES' .. lol.. i'm dyin .. he's so hilariOus.. i lOve him ta' death.... but its time for me to 'bizzoUnce'.. leave dem pr[o]pz n' cOmments.. `1 yaself

 5:04 pm - 10 eProps - 4 comments - email it

Tuesday, December 17, 2002


aYoO.. was gOod ya'll? umm.. not mah leg.. cuz itz bOtherin me so mah bro juz told me tO heat it tOmoOro n' lay lOw fo 24.. den' run da' next day... well abOut mah day.. 1st period came n' da same fuqin stupid guy tried to kiss me again.. i was like 'I'M SICK!' n' i put mah hand in his face... he stood der' like he was gOnna try n' dO it again.. so i cOughed n' was like 'IM SICK!' den he was like 'i dun care' n' i'm like 'I DO!'... wut an ass... sOo fo da rest of da day i was tryin to avOid him cuz i dun like bein mean to be quite hOnest.. its toO much effort fo' me n' itz comin to the pOint that if he dOes it again.. imma have to stab him, or smack the dumbness Out his skull cuz he's just not gettin' it... sOmetimes yOu gOtta do what you gOtta dO.. n e wayz.. we watched da' crucible in 2nd after takin diz easy ass quiz.. den' third... dis guy kept on starin at me.. i mean, he's cute n' alll.. but i dun deal wit' cripz.. perIod end' of sentence n' story.. THANKS... hes a very nice guy n quite intellegent.. tOo bad its bein overshadOwed by da' fact dat he does that dumb shyt.. n e wayz.. den der' was 4/5, where mah history teacher was just bein cOrny again...LOL.. it was sOo funny.. regG went n' yanked da shYt oUt of shani n' she lOokedlike a fuqin rag dOll.. i started dYIN! it was sOo serIOus..den der' was 6/7 n me n mah hubby [allen ] were knoqed da fuq oUt again.. we were straight cOmatOse.. n den again.. i see diz bangin spanish dude.. DATS IT! I've made up mah mind.. i'm marryin someOne whOz spanish.. end of story... dey' are sOo bangin! oh mah lOrdy.. cuz i saw like 3 bangin ones in da hallway tOday...n' everyOne knOwz hOw i like to hear peOple speak spanish to me.. i mean, they can be saying 'You're going to burn in hell cuz your a skank ass ho' n' i prObably wOnt give 2 shyts cuz it was said sOo nicely in spanish... buh of cOurse der' gotz to be something wrong wit these cute guys.. one has  a gf, the other is a sOphmOre, n da other one was tOo shOrt.. i mean, cOme on! give me a break!! i mean, der always as to be a problem with dem'.. i knO dat we're not all perfect.. but COME ON! there always has to be sumtin der' dat screws up me gO n' meet mah perfect guy, den i find out he's gOt all da' STDS, plus da' ebola virus, n' he's really gay... knOwin mah luck that will prObably happen... *sigh.. buh n e wayz.. lunch cOmes n' we were fuq'd over wit da' coin wars cuz we all nO dey' stOle mOney frOm us.. asshOles.. den' physics cOme.. n mah teacher was gOin off on a tangent aboUT sOme crap datz sUpossed to be on Our test friday.. n he never fully explains shyt n' it pisses me off.. so m n allison were just zOne out cuz he was just talkin out hiz ass da' whOle den we had mr zirin fO chOir cuz mr mag went hOme siq n' hez mad cOo n' i finally learned hallelujah cuz kelly played da sOng n' da nOtes foO me.. den afterschOol had traq n' of cOurse like yesterday, mah ass was wearin a thOng.. so literally mah ass was COLD as a mofO.. NEVER wear thOngz in da winter wen you gOtta run.. its always gOod to break out da' grandma panties cuz at least it keeps yO' hiney warm.. so n e wayz, we're changin n' diz gurl was really fallin' out her it was really serious.. like shes a D size tryin to still rOck da' bra she hadin da 7th grade.. i was soO upset. sOo we were all gettin' on her n i bet she had a tOugh tyme runnin wit her bein all FREE n' all... mm.. dat must hurt.. den' it was hurdle day, buh mah hammyz botherin me n i didnt want to pull nuttin' sOo I goO to mr B n' tel him, n hes like 'stOp bein sOft n' gO baq n' finish yO drillz'.. i was soOo upseet.. so i did mah first drills, n' it hurt even mOre, so i tOld him again, n' he finally let me gOo, n' sOo, da trainer talls me to ice it n' stretch.. buh seriosly do',i dun wanna do hurdles til spring cuz i'm really nOt tryin to get hurt.. but mr B is presSurin' me tO do it.. argh.. den' i get hOme, n' i take a nap, n' da' boi i had a prOblem wit fo a while IM'z me sayin stuff, so I IM him baq, n wit me, if i have a prOblem wit yOu.. i'm nOt gOnna deal wit it online cuz hOw lame is dat? so i tOld him to call me, so we handle it on da phOne n' i guess itz all gravy fO nOw thO, cuz  itz hard fO me to stay mad at a persOn fo a long time cuz i'm very forgiven n' its not in mah nature to be mad longer den' an hOur or so.. it wasnt even like i was really mad at him.. i juz didnt want to associate wit him after dat whOle shyt went dOwn.. but its hard fO me to ignOre a perSon especially since i talk to everyOne n' ignOrin somOne i talk to on a daily basis is tOo much of an effOrt.. hmm.. i mean, at times, its ok to be forgvin, buh at other times, i think its not ok, n' i think datz mah prOblem.. dat i can be tOo nice.. especially wen' it cOmes to boiz.. i'll  think bOut otherz befO mahself, n' i gues datz goOd cuz i make othaz happen, n' das cOo.. buh i always wind up bein upset fo a while over it, buh i guess things that were meant to be yOurs will become yOurz.. n' if dat guy or whatever it is was meant to be in yOur posessiOn.. he'll or it will find itz way tOo yOu, cuz i dun think its worth the drama fightin fO sumtin dat wasnt mean to belOng tO yOu in da first place, n' subsequently a friendship is ruIned over some dumb shyt.. n' datz da last thing i want.... buh anwyaz.. TELL ME WHY.. i'm in da trainers wit Erin n da XC peOple n dat frosh chic whoz gay kept on starin at me!! why me!?!? WHY ME?!?! i always gOtta have da fuq'd up lyfe where nOne of diz crap is mah fault... buh i tink she may try n' hOlla cuz she tried to dO it to mah friend T n now i think she may try and doi it wit me.. whO knoz.. we'll see...[ i pray to gOd she dOesnt]... cuz shes type bOld fo a freshman chic..n e wayz, i cant wait til i see OB at a meet cuz den' i get to see diz guy datz sOo bangin.. OH LAWD, hes blessed n' hes mah friendz cOusin tOo.. damn, shes lucky... wait, maybe not, cuz if i had a cOusin dat fyne, i'd have to kill mahself cuz i'd be thinkin some HORRIBLE thOughtz bOil... you dOn' even know...... MAH BROTHER COMES BAQ IN 2 DAYS... YAY!! omg i miss him sOo much.. he's lyke mah otha half... mah side kick.. da otha half of mah heart..we're so tight, n' itz hard bein in diz hOuse by mahself wit out him here... hes mah inspiration alsO...*tear.... n' i miss mah sisters toO.. buh nOt as much as mah brO cuz mah sisters rarely keep in tOuch wit me.. der' tOo invOlved wit their men... *sigh.. buh n e wayz.. dat was mah day, i'm Out.. leave dem pr[o]pz n cOmmentz.. `1 yaself....

 9:26 pm - add eProps - add comments - email it

Monday, December 16, 2002

curRently spinnin- |[ 50 Cent-Places to Go]|]|


aYooO! was gOod? oOo LAWD, tOday was a very Very tiring day.. i dun think i slept in sO many classes before.. i started to feel bad..Oh well.. well first off, last night, i didnt get oFf day phOne wit Reg til 12 30, and offline wit D and Latonya til 1 30.. and right when i close mah eyes to go to bed.. i wake up and its 6.. i swear, dat was one of the WORST FEELINS ever! wakin up feelin like you just dun' went to bed! soO den' first perIod.. me n Latonya were knOcked da' fuq Out bOi.. yOu juz dun knO.. i dun think i ever slept so gOod and lOng n' deep in class in mah life.. i was straight cOmatOse.. type serRiOus... den' 2nd periOd came n' i kept on talkin to Age n' Reg cuz da teacher was bOrin' me like always.. den' we were discussin' an aphOrism dat stated somethin like 'dun tell sOmeOne to dO somethin you cant follow'.. i dunNo da exact wOrdz but it reminds me of da script from da' bible 'he who has no sin may cast da first stone'.. somethin like that.. and den' she was like 'yea!' and went onto say hOw we shOuldn't do drugs and crap.. etc etc.. and hOw her generation messed us up.. umm ya damn skippy it did.. NOT WITH YOU BEING A SMOKER!.. hOtt mess... den' third periOd we gOt oUr PSAT scOres baq.. i mean, i qualified for da' National Merit Scholars thingy but umm.. i didnt score as HIGH as i wanted toO.. *sigh.. sO me n' shanay went to da cOunselOrs office 4/5 tO talk to her abOut cOlleges n' crap.. n' den we went baq to history with only 5 minutes left.. OH SNIZAPP!! TELL ME WHY! i just fOund oUt dat mah histOry teacher fuq'd a blaq chic when he was like 50 n she was 16.. gOt her pregnant.. and was FORCED to marry da' chic..... aint dat sOme shyt...i mean i heard da' story a cOuple tymes last year but i didnt knOw it was den' french i was knOcked da' fuq out again but im so skilled dat' i was still sOrta payin attention buh i was asleep at da same time.. hottness righ? : -),.. den' lunch came n' i fOund out dat we're gOnna lOse da coin warz cuz umm.. da seniOrz are bastards n' dey get to put dolla bills in there which isnt den' physics comes n' i was in every positiOn tryna sleep on mike cuz he'z madd cumfy alOng wit his sweatshirt.. den' choir.. no One was der' so me n' mah daughter [ashley] went to da counselors office to get SAT stuff, den went back to chOir n' was umm vey bOred.. den.. oH lawd.. track was after school n' like always i was nOt in da' moOd to run cuz i was sOo TIRED.. buh im' FOCUSED MAN and i'm tOo dedicated to skip n' be a slacker cuz i'd be mad at mahself.. mah parents always tOld me if imma dO somethin then i better be da best at it.. n i'm follOwin there wOrd.. sOo.. we get oUt there and its MADD WINDY.. den' we find oUt dat we had to do 4 split 6o0'z which is like 2 x'z 3o0.. 3 x'z 2o0.. 4 x 150 n' 6 x'z 100... OMG! I mean, it wasn't dat bad of a wOrkOut.. but what made it worst was da fact that i really had to FIGHT the wind on the straight aways.. it was amess.. yOu shOuld have saw mah face.. it was like sOmeoNe shOt me in da aRm.. mah face was a HOTT MESS.. actually to be pOlitically correct.. a COLD MESS... i nearly felt like i was abOut tah thrOw up.. karly did, n so did danielle and quIyanna.. n' T felt like she was gOnna throw up too.. yea, it was a kinda hard workout wit da wind factor n' shyt....sOo we get inside n' i'm talk to MalcOlm n' Spenc.. den' i got changed, went home with mah gurl Irene n' defrosted.. cuz i cOuldnt even talk i was sO cOld. mah toesiez were like rocks.. n' mah hands were frozen.. and when i spOke it sOunded like 'aodfaouf fahdoifuaduaf dhfoaduisafu'.. lol. like for instance, when i tried to tell everyOne ta bOunce on der' tippy toes back to the line... peOple thought i said 'it was gOnna snOw'.. yea, umm TWO WAYY DIFFERENT SENTENCES... datz hOw bad i soUNnded... but now i'm hOme.. nice, cOzy, n' warm.. but i have ta gO to chOir at 7 soO..i'm kinda pissed cuz i wante to take a nap befOre i started mah hOmewOrk cuz i need oNe buh dat aint gOnna happen... *sigh.. Oh well. tyme fO me to take a shOwer n' bizZoUnce.. leave dem pr[o]pz n c[o]mMentz... `1 yaself....

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