Check out My friend Daniela's Page!
Shouts___mad love tah my tru girlz... u kno who u are.
Dem babesIman + Neelam + Shona + ZoW + Leah + Rachie + Jessica + Rachelle + Danielle + Kelly + Alysha + Val + Kristen + Krista + Michelle + Jahneen + Tori + Julie + Chavelle + Tonya + Shimara + Miranda + Pardis + Obot + Leah + Teniesha + Steph.P + Tamara + angie + Mel + Cav + Hayley + Katrina + Megan.M + Shannon + Nicole.W + (( Family Mem ))Daniela + My CuzIn Tiffany n Peggy + Jenny + Dem boosTristin.K + Jonny + Jesse + Spencer + Scott + JB + Cody + Donevan + SheLLy + Brent + Ryan + Jason.C + Aaron + Damiean + Yves + Kaashief + Jerrome + Phil + Frankie + Bryce + Kyle.D + Andrew.K + Doug + Horatio + Leston + Axshi + Corine + Andrew + Alisdair + Sheldon.L + Jarelle + Steven.B +
Useless Facts About Me!!!!
~I have screwed up tOes
~I'm reallie artsy fartsy
~I like tattOos, piercings n rap music
~I always get my way
~Get outta my way
~Religions are scary
~I wanna get my tongue pierced
~Stoopit ppl annoy me
~I dun like to tap white meat only dark LOL j/k!
~I call everything gay
~I get pissed off easily
~I like hugs, kisses and smiles
~The abOve line sOunded like a hallmark card
~If yOu think i`m retarded now, i prOlly am
YES i did make this page MYSELF! Juss2 let u dumbasses kno:)
Azn PRYDE... representin!!! lol

This is how it should be done, my life is identical 2 none b!tch tried 2 duplicate but I knew she was fake...

--|Say My Name Say My Name|-- - Um, ppl call me crazy, but sadly i`m given Janice. Ja-NiCE wid n NICE or Jan-ICE wid n ICE ya heard! Not JANIS... or JANUS (stoopid ryan! :P) i dun have ANUS in my name GEEZE!
Nick namez |-- Jackie Chan baby! loldanny
Years Young |-- 14
DOB |-- o4/19/88... yea 80'z baby!
I live in |-- White-b, Maple Land
Imma |-- CBC...eh
BooStatz|-- An Independent Woman!
-Im feelin: like shyt... lyfe blows
Stalk me|-- on Earth k? lol

Lykez|-+- Kogepan, ma friends, chocolate, Eeore, B2K, gUyS hOt sEXy bOdIEs! hah! parties, shopping, chillin, reading, rain, muzic
Dislykez|-+- Dis dirrty shawa hoe named Ashleigh Earnshaw school, Pricks, shyt talkers, hoez,
annoying, prissy, serious, CHEAP, fake, clingy, dirty, perverted & snotty ppl, gay movies, H/W! n HATERS

-MovieZ ++ Hardball, Monsters Inc, Orange County, Shallow Hal, Tom Cats, American Pie 2, The Emperors New Groove (that movie is fukin joax yo!) n LOTR! Dun haaate cuz dat movie is iillllllll
-Book ++ Harry Potter series, got a problem wit dat? Oh boo hoo GO CRY about it!
T.V showz ++ Mad T.V, Malcolme In The Middle, That 70`s show, American Idol
-Songs ofawl tyme ++ Halfcrazy, U Got It Bad, Other Guy, butterflyz, impossible, say yes, heat, manchild, patienly waiting, many man, angel
-Color ++ blue, pink, beige
-foods n drinks ++ Iced-Tea n fries

U may shoot me w/ ur words U may cut me w/ ur eyes U may kill me w/ Ur hatefulness, But lyke da air I`ll still rise...

-|Daily Weekly Blahs|-

------ s a t u r .D a y----- Wow, i haven't wrote for a long time. Anywayz, today is a saturday and i did absolutly NOTHING today! I did 3 things, watch T.V, Eat, and go on tha internet. I did so little i barely even seemed like the day as gone by. I feel like i just woke up or sumthing. Anyway, i watched Harry Potter 2 AGAIN, but this time with my sister (i kinda had to make her watch it, haha) I bought the video the day it came out (yesturday) ----------->
My sister acutally thought the movie was good. She hated the first one. But she always did have bad taste in movies. She hated Lord Of The Rings with a passion. Yo! Who hates Lord of The Rings man!? People be likem "Oh that movie doesn't even make any sense!". Hmm, maybe it's cuz ur stupid!? Iman broke her fingers in gym class on Friday. I miss her :'( *sniff*sniff* I dun even feel like going to school on monday cuz it's gonig to be so gay without her there. I made a card for her then everyone started teef'n my idea! And Damiane is acting like a piece of flying ass. Gawd, i hate school. I'm suppose to chyll wid jessica this weekend, i was "suppose" to sleep over at her dad's house with her today and then go to Stoxx to shop for new gear on Sun. Wonder what happened...? I guess it's cuz she cudn't get through the phone since i left it connected to tha internet (whoops!) I think i hate ppl too much! I hate this i hate that... everytime i be like "oh i hate her" people would say "you hate everyone"... not really, i hate A LOT of ppl but not everyone. I should really stop! Wellz i'm out, i'm hoping tomrrow i'll actually do sumthing cuz today was juss 100% pure shyt. My eyes are straining and getting all retarded cuz it's been staring either the T.V screen or computer screen... i need to rest! until next time (which probably be a while!) paYce ~1~

P.S--||| ARGH! I had my c/p cleared out n everthing now all my info is gone. Including my adobe 7.0! So u guys will not be seeing a new layout for a loooong time cuz for sum reason my c/p wont let me open the new one i downloaded! *tear*tear* !!!

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 12:37am

------ m o n .D a y----- hey... daymn i am soo bored!
On saturday i went 2 Josh's B-day Jam it was in tha bassmesnt. Rachelle drove me, yves, n Kaylie. I wore a bandana it looked pretty good :P. His house is sooo nyyce & his little sister is so cute! lol But It was sooo dark in there i could hardly even c who's who. I didn't get josh anything for his b-day... i felt sooooooo bad :( (buti wasn't tha only one!) aww! ____ looked soo HoT wen he was dancing. Me & Rach was lyke "doesn't ____ looks so hot wen he dances? dun u juss wanna rape him" lol! 2 gurls there could dance soooo gud, i wish i cud dance lyke that! :'( There was dis little hoe named Jesse there *rolls eyes* fuck'n grade 8 whoreeee. Aaaargh, she was be'n awl rude to me. Dayymn i shudve juss clapped her rite dere. N she's try'n 2get wid yves haha, oh well i dun really care. Anywayyyz, im SO GLAD Bitch#1 & Bitch#2 wasn't there! :P hehe... im go'n 2 t-dot on thurs! i'm HOPING i'll git sum new gear! But i'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccc right now! or i have allergies or sumtin... it seems more like allergies tho :S anyhoo it's daymn annoy'n... StyLL__---~1~

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 6:36pm

------ S a t u r .D a y-----
It'z da first day of march! and guess what i saw FLIES! EWWWWW!
Anyway... I FOUND MY PURSE!!! :O :D YEA~! It was in this gurl Sarah's locker! She fuk'n taxed it :@ Cuz i asked her B4 n she told me she didn't have it. I sud've kiked her azz. OHwellz.
ppl can u STOP sayin i only go for black guys!?! Cuz i DONT! just in Sinclair cuz there's no hot guys that's not black! geeze!


1. First Name: Janice
2. Were you named after anyone? Tis gurl from tha Price Is Right... or was it wheel of fortune? dun rememba
3. Do you wish on stars? Yah, but onli 4 fun
4. Which finger is your favorite? middle! MwaHAHA!
5. When did you last cry? Dun memeba, not TOO long ago
6. Do you like your handwriting? yes... most of tha tyme
7. What is your favorite lunch meat? i dun really eat lunch meat
8. Any bad habits? biting nails, not do'n h/w n stuff
9. What is your most embarassing CD on the shelf? UMmm, i dun really buy CD's but i guess it'll have 2B 5ive ?
10. If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you? Ya, i guess
11. Are you a daredevil? sorta ...sumetymes...
12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? yes.... i kno shame on me
13. Do looks matter? no... only wen i have a crush on sum1. 14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? Yes haha
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No... wtf
16. Do fish have feelings? Yes, duh!!! They have to...right?
17. Are you trendy? I dunno... i think so
18. How do you release anger? swear, throw stuff, complain... haha
19. Where are your second homes? dun have 1... why would i have one if i already have a first home
20. Do you trust others easily? Um, Yah... unfortunatly
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies! n this green stuffed dog
22. What class in school do you think is totally useless? math (HATE it)
25. Do you have a journal? Yes, but i forget 2 write in it all tha tyme.
26. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No shyt
27. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? no... i dun wanna tho it's stupid
28. What do you look for in a guy/girl? respect, trust, good looks lmao
29. What are your nicknames? Jackie Chan, Wootang n sum otha stuff
30. Would you bunjee jump? No! Oooh heers a joke...
Q: Wut does a condom n bunjee jumping have in common?
A: If the rubber breaks ur screwed
31. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no too lazzzy 34. Do you think that you are strong? Sumtimes 35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Japanese Red Bean Icecream!!! :) and Vanilla wid strawberries & strawberry sauce on it from DQ!
36. What's your favorite colors? Pink, baige, white
37. What is your least fav. thing? big time hoes/bitches/pricks... oshawa.
38. How many wisdom teeth do you have? dunno
39. Are you in love with anyone? no, but i'm in-LIKE! doesthat count? lol
40. How many people have a crush on you right now? One 41. Who do you miss most right now? Leah :( *sniffles* 42. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? ...w/e

cute but psycho
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

so tru so tru :)

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 4:32 pm

------ t h u r s .D a y-----
Today was gay... my gay ass french teacher sent meh to tha office for no reason. He's like "where's ur work book" i said "i forgot it in my locker" he's like "go get it and get a late slip" i'm like WTF so i asked him y and he's like "1...2...3 i'm calling tha office" now i got fuck'n 3 detentions! Oh yah and i fuck'n LOST my purse!!! :'( this is so depressing. And tha guy i have a crush on is go'n out wid dis chick i dun like! This is such a gay ass week. i got 3 detentions, i lost my purse, my computer is screwed, my microsoft power point isn't working n now i dunno where to type my shyt for english! ARGH! and i need a man... well peice! Lmao ~1~

HAIL 2 tha Lord Of Tha Stink!!! poo poo... yes love me... not that u dun already rite?

p.s work'n on new layout

what candy you are @ stvlive.com

find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 12:06am

------ t u e s .D a y-----
Hey hey ppl... haven't updated fo a while... too god daymn lazy! haha, things have been "O-K" lately. Im doing better in school now, i concentrate better cuz my classes are populated by neards only... i'm still not quite sure if that's a good thing for me or not. Im losing alot of my friends :'( dayymn i miss everyone so much! valo, neelam, iman! :'( i dun see them anymore! Thank god i have Danielle and Alysha in one of my classes! Anyway i got my hair braided recently by Zoe!! its was AWSOME! i LOVED it! And i went to STC and got a new outfit and the new perfume i wanted from Escada "Ibiza Hippie" ~!! ...Oh and today Zoe sang with her sister in the Black History show thingy... she sounded SO good! awww! Here are sum pix i took at danny'z house when i went there to get my hair braided but Zow...

Me n Daniela

Me n Zoe

Anywayzz i'm tiiiiiiiiierd! if yu wanna see more pix go here Click Heer or just click on Omarion's half face over there >>>
iight? it leadsd u right to my picture page... im out~1~ *AZP~ oh BTW HAPPY EARLY B-DAY DANIELA! pAyCeee

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 11:13pm

------ s a t u r .D a y-----
Happy Chinese new years!!! haha, money! YeA!! Anyway, my 2nd semester classes SUX ass! Awl my classes are over populated by boring or mega losers!(cept french class n Jahnenne) Its horrrrrible!!! i've never been so bored in my entire life!
Yesturday Iman came over, we chylled n shyt. Oh n im PRAYING that i passed my corses! i'm geting my reportcard back soon. :S Anyway my so-called "love life" sux... n i dun even think i have1 or maybe it passed away, haha. V-day is coming up soon n everyone are in couples *gRRRr* Ohwell, i hate guys... well 50% of the time. They'cause too much wrinkles, n they're so not worth it. I'm planning 2 have a SINGLE gurls night out on v-day to da movies n watch Dare Devil :P So far i have Iman, Alysha, n Rachie...oh n pardis. Danielle n Rachelle wanted 2 come, i'm like uhh "no" lol ur not single! u lucky ducks lol. OH n guess what i finally have Cable! yea baby! N i REALLY REALLY need to get a job ARGH! OH... n i styll need to think of a really good excuse 2 tell the teachers why i'm switching my classes!! fuck...
your asshole.

What swear word are you?

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 12:44am

------ s u n .D a y-----
Shyt Exams!!! fuck i'm stressed i haven't even started studying cuz i'm so god damn lazy. Anyway, yesturday i went to da movies wid pplz n i watched National Security, it was funni... after we went 2 subwayz n i shared a sub wid phil... dem i went home n shyt... i'm tirred... payCe ~1~

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 12:12am

------ s a t u r .D a y-----
Went fo an eye exam today, my vision got worse... as usual. After i went 2 da OC n i saw brittany, den i went 2 walmart n i got coverup n a magazine... I saw a whole bunch of Valentine shyt dere. Huge azz teddy bears, chocolate, cards... :( WAHHHH! dat made me feel depressed *sniff sniff* i wish i has a b/f, especailly 4 Valentines :( Anyway at 7:00ish i went ta da movies n met up wid everyone dere. Iman drove me, at da movies we were being so noisey ppl got pissed off at us den sum1 said "shut da fuck up" n i'm like um "fuck yu". After da movies everyone went 2 Subways n chilled. Den i went home wid iman. During da movies i missed _____! i was thinknig bout him da whole time! :'( ohwellz

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 12:06am

------ m o n.D a y-----
I'm feelin better... styll alittle sick. Anyway 2day school was o-k... not that bad i guess. It was gay in the mornin, i was so tiiired. Damiean is styll acting lyke an asssssss. As usual, he styll "mad" @ me even after the holidays, geeze. 2day my science teacher gave us S0oOo much h/w it's crazzy. Im styll dying 2go2 the mall n get pants, earrings, n a hat :( On Saturday i saw Lord Of The Rings II!!! OMG! it's tha BEST movie EVER! It was SOOooO GUD! I went wid Tiffany, Shimara, n Farheen. @ AMC i saw Danielle, Juile, Val, Haley n sum other ppl after tha movie. Umm.... yahh anyway that's awl fo now im gone... EZy ~1~

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 9:11pm

------ t h u r s .D a y-----
Really really really really sick, right on new years eve... almost had 2 go 2 da hospital... styll feel like shyt

I Will Survive|--

------ m o n .D a y-----
Im cooold... *burr* my fingers n toes r freezy. i have a sore throat n i feel a lil dizzy. I really think i'm gettin sick. :( Today Iman came over. She gave me my X-mas prezent finally lol, she bought me the new B2K cd Pandemonium :)!!! We chilled n den we went 2 travis's house. When Iman left i called andrew n renee. den watched sum T.V. I'm screwed over right now. I haven't started ANY of my H/W... geeze WHY da fuck wud teachers give h/w during da holidayz... no ones gonna do it. Im still dying 2 watch LOTR's n i styll gotta think of sum'n ta do fo New Years Eve. Anyway i'm out ~1~ *cough cough*

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 9:52pm

------ s u n .D a y-----

Yow... today was a gay day i sat home n did nothing :S n i have a really bad headach 2. Um yesturday i went to STS wid Danny, i went out 4 dinner n lunch wid her family too. In da car we had 2 listen 2 Shania Twain... i almost died, if hear "I'm Gonna Getcha Good" one more tyme i'm gonna blow. Anyway i added sum stuff in my site, if u click on Omari's face it links 2 my other page i'm working on. It's just B2K pix. N if u click on Raz B's it links to Daneila's page. so yah anyhoo i'm out my head is shyttin hurting! Owww. ~1~ You're Caramilk!
Just stuffed full of surprises. No one ever knows what you're going to do next. The greatest mystery to you is, naturally, "how do they get the caramel in the Caramilk bars?"

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 1:23am (monday)

------ f r i .D a y-----
Hmm... it's been so long since i wrote a blog i dunno how 2 start. neway practically everything in my site i took it off my old 1 cuz i was too lazy 2 make a new 1, cept my layout. Christmas was ok, Um... 2day i went to OC i bought a jacket, undies;) (i got 1 that flashes!), earrings, two sweaters, n a wallet. But i'm friggin BROKE! i dun even have a cent left so i dunno y i bought 1 but w/e. I got a B2K magazine again, my room is pretty covered in there posters lol. I juss started getting into dis whole "B2K obsession". Actually i'm only obsessed wid Omarion n J-Boog so yah. I saw Krista, Kaylie n Kelly @ d mall 2day too. Oh, n i'm became so lazzy latey i'm becomin a c/p bum! N i think i'm gaining weight.... ohgawd.

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 1:00am

------ s a t u r .D a y-----
Hmm, lets see... 2day i went 2 Walmart 2 get paint 4my STS project. Bought sum lead pencils, Spiderman movie, n sum otha stuff. Den i spent da day doin my STS n den i wtched Buffy. On student work day thang it turned out 2 b great. i had sooo much fun!( even tho i had to wear ugly hats and a ugly white coat thing. lol) I got 2 package n scrape meat, n I played wit da chicken hearts!!! n sum otha animal parts 2 lol! Da ppl there we really nice 2! The manager bought me n renee lunch n snacks! @ da end of da day we got 10$ gift certificates 4 IGA. I bought a YM magazine wit it. Um... during da week i went shoppin, i bought a Parasuco, n a Ecko top. I wanted a Lady Enece or Babyphat shirt but dey didnt have any nice onez out!

I Will Survive|--Posted @ 12:11pm

------ t u e s .D a y-----
Makin dis short... um, yesturday me n mal got in2 a fight. She was being a hoe den she called me a "Chinese bitch". *Ahem* ye... w/e hoe! Oh 2day was a pretty gud day, gym was iight, 'cept angie scratched me -___- I got my math mid-term back, i got 51%... juss passed! Went 2 tiffany's house after skool. She was suppose 2 braid my hair. She spent 3/h doin practicly um, NOTHING wit my hair trying 2 part it or sum'n. In da end she cudn't do it cuz my hair is 2 "white" she says. Den on BET the song "Braid My Hair" frum Mario came on, perfect timing huh? It was funni tho. Her dad drived me home. Im SO TEIRD i was ding my STS last night n i gotta wake up @ 5 2morrow 4 "Student Work Day" thingy? Im goin w/ Renee's mum 2 IGA n package raw meat or sum'n. But i guess itd be iight since we're in a food store lol... im out, paYce ~1~

I Will Survive|-- Posted @ 11:04pm