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Lissa's Weblog LISSA'S WEBLOG

:: Saturday, May 03, 2003 ::
Been awhile, I know. Let me start by telling you that I really do not like the computer. My sister set this page up for me and has been pushing me to start. So since she went to the work, I guess I should tell you about myself. In a couple of very descriptive words - Strong- Sensitive- Bitchy- Out Spoken- Humorous- Intuitive- Untrusting- & Analytical. Sounds like the makings of a SCHIZO! Believe me, I feel that way sometimes. I have a whole lot of bad charecteristics, but I also know that I have some very positive ones as well. So what if I can tell someone "fuck you" to their face as long as I can say "thank you" afterwards. Not exactly what I meant. One thing I know is that I can see my flaws. I just don't always know how to correct them.
Well, enough deep shit, let's move on to something lighter. I am a fairly new mom. I had my Jaylen on September 17, 2002. Since then my life has been very different. No more sleeping in, no more going out without a thought, no more energy, no more gagging at the sight of shit. But it all doesn't hold a match to him. I have someone that smiles at me many times a day, brings joy to me even at 4:30 am, somoeone that is always happy to see you, someone you are teaching the world to, and someone you love so unconditionally. He is beautiful.
I am not married, but would rather not get into that. Let's just say that side of my life is hectic. Always has been. I have dated many different men in my time, and have learned a ton. So we will save that until "What I've learned about men day". For today I will keep it easy and talk about my to do list. See I have a list of things I want to do before I die, or get old enough to do them. So here we go on the first twenty because I am already getting tired of typing-
1. I want to be a millionaire
2. I want to go sky diving
3. I want to go to Egypt
4. I want to go to time square for new years
5. I want to go to Mardi Gras
6. I want to drink a martini on the beach in Hawaii
7. I want to work out daily
8. I want to see my granchildren
9. I want to see Brad Pitt in person
10. I want to be totally happy
11. I want to be married, maybe
12. I want to go Bungee Jumping
13. I want to go white water rafting
14. I want to go on a cruise
15. I want to go deep sea diving
16. I want to go sailing
17. I want my own jet
18. I want my own business
19. I want to buy ny mom a house
20. I want a nanny and a maid
:: Lissa 11:42 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 ::
Hello, I am new at bare with me if I bore you.

:: Lissa 7:28 PM [+] ::


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