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Hi, I'm Rimskittle

I'm an amature writer, gardener and a hereditary practitioner of traditional Irish occult arts. I'm a bit of a hermit and have been called eccentric at times :-) I'm not your average internet witch, spewing Elizabethan English, dragonsand fairies. I am just an average person working to make my world (and other's) better. To me, there's no better feeling than seeing spell results. It just makes me want to do more.

I am a medium and readily contact those who have crossed over to the otherworld.

I am an empath.

I astral travel pretty much daily.

I practice divination by many means (smoke, water, mirror, orb, photograph etc).

I never had any psychic abilities like my mom's which were uncanny.

I love animals, can't stand bullies.

My magical background:

Was raised and formally trained in an Irish, family-traditional background by three generations practitioners.

Age 5-8 was the usual introductory training, observing the elders and beginning my experience with astral travel.

Age 9-18 was formal training, the elders guiding me.

Age 18-22 was advanced training the elders observing me hone my skills.

And I've been performing various occult arts ever since.

I have had the pleasure of helping others achieve their goals as well as fine-tuned my own life in peace and happiness. I'd be happy to help you too :-)

Peace! ☮ Rimskittle


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