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Ob Appointment number 3!

Current mood: Uncertain

Well, we went for another OB appointment and check up Wednseday. I was under the impression from the last appointment, that we would be having a level 2 ultrasound done this time around, to bring a bladder full of pee, and a VHS. So that's exactly what we did. We waiting in the waiting room, or rather floated in the waiting room, for two hours before they announced that my Dr. was stuck in surgery! YAY! I of course, was livid at this point. Not only did I have to pee, but this would be the second time around I couldn't do what I wanted to do because my OB wasn't there. We waited some more before my name was called and we went in.

I ask the Nurse about the Level 2 ultrasound, and I was informed that the policy of the office is that they do them on Friday's and Mondays only. So no level 2. I immediately asked her if I could go pee then! She replied "No, she'll probably do one anyway, just not the one you wanted" LOL

She weighed me. 4 pounds in 4 weeks! Jeez! lol And my blood pressure was good 172/70.

We waited around in the room for a bit for the other dr. to see me. And in walks my OB! YAY! I was happy to see her, and she looked happy to see me too. I dunno what it is with women giving birth on the days I have appointments! lol She asked me how I was doing, and of course, I've been doing really well. I told her that I began to feel real movement a couple of weeks ago, and even Paul and Jeremiah could feel them! She said that was really good news. Means the baby is strong like bull! :D

We did do an ultrasound, and we tried to see the sex, but the baby just wasn't having that kinda intrusion today. It actually shoed us away and smirked! I love my baby already, of course, but after seeing that smirk I fell even harder! Just like mommy :D

The baby is actually farther along by a couple of days then I must have estimated. I'm 19 weeks and 1 day today. At 19 weeks the baby is 7 inches and close to a pound! This is gonna be one big baby! I got to keep the pictures of course, I'll include them on the link as soon as I get them scanned. One is a spine shot, the baby is all curled up, and the other one is a profile shot of the baby smirking :D

I was also a little sorry and disappointed to hear that the baby is breeched at this moment. It'll have a million chances to turn between now and delivery, of course, but I did read somewhere that the chances of your baby being breeched when you were, are pretty high. Anyone else ever heard that? I sat Indian style, meditating, for 4 months lol

So after the ultrasound, I had to pee so I finally got too! LOL Then was handed an order for the AFP test, or quadscreen they call it now. Its supposed to detect any POSSIBILITY of defects in the baby. Such as, but only including, neural tube defects, down syndrome and T18. There's a REALLY high false positive rate on these test. Something like 1 in 45 women will get positives, but only 1 out of 8000 women with positives will actually give birth to a baby with one of these defects. Outrageous and scary all at the same time. I'll take that test tomorrow, and I should know the results a week from then.

So I'm sitting around waiting for the receptionist to call me about scheduling that level 2 ultrasound. The Dr. wanted it done in a week, but they told me Wednesday that they had no open spots. They would talk to the US tech and get back to me as soon as they can with an appointment date. We'll see how that goes. I'll let you guys know.

So far, so good! YAY!

Its almost down hill from here to delivery day. Next Thursday I will be half way done! YAY!

Ultrasound pictures from the third OB appointment
