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Welcome to The Over, Ever, Neverhood.

Here's a bunch of things you can find here at the Neverhood site...

uhh... Heylo!I'm Capra Hircus (in case you didn't know, that's the Genus for... goats... and for that reason I'm nic-named Kid ^_^). you are most likely familiar with the name Willy Trombone, and if you aren't, then you must not have played much of the Neverhood and shouldn't be here right now (but you can stay if you want, I can always use more people to get interested in this awesome game). Willie Trombone is my brother, my closest one in fact. You may all think that Ottoborg only created seven sons, and he did, but he also created another intended son, that accidentily became a daughter. I screwed up the klay somehow... don't ask me how... just... somehow. I was a test subject, and was forgotten about, but later on I met Willie living in the Neverhood with Bil and Hoborg, along with Klaymen. Why have you bever heard of me? well, that's because those stupid walls with all of the information on them never wrote anything down about me! how irrisponsible... Oh well. Well now you know that Ottoborg created not only 7 sons, but one daughter too. -Kid.
